by Marlene Burgos, published 16.08.2019
Hello my name is Marlene, I am a mother of a 12 year old boy and a wife. I currently live in New York and working on earning passive income from the comfort of my home. I have always been interested in the Affiliate Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing niche. I've tried a few things under the sun when it comes to the on-line business but never had 90-100 percent success. I have been in the on-line business for 3 years now and fell in love with so many broad opportunities.
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by Hayley Holbrooks , published 16.08.2019
�Not sure if you've been following the progress of iBuumerang but it's nothing short of INCREDIBLE!People on my team are REAPING the REWARDS$$$!!! �➡️ I wanted to make sure you knew about some of the things that have been happening. In only 125 days since pre launch the company has aquired;✅33,000+ TSA's✅121,000+ customers✅$8.5 Million in commissions paid out✅10th fastest growing company in the.
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by Mike McKaigg, published 16.08.2019
Hello friends!I'm proud that I get to educate people on how to live healthier lives and create a safer home for their family by ridding their homes of toxic chemicals found in national brand products and introduce them to a safer alternative.You may have seen the news about an independent study in nine European countries with over 6000 subjects over a 20 year period. National brand cleaners used only once per week had the same lung damage effect as smoking a pack a day for 20 years!
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by Tinu Adebeso, published 16.08.2019
You Have Just Found One.....po
Are u a sales rep looking for a better opportunity?
Or a salary earner looking for an alternative source of income?
Or a graduate looking to start a small scale business?
Do you have any of these bordering you?
Student loans
Medical bills
Car Loan
Housing e.t.c
There’s a good chance that if any of these exist in your daily life, you may be thinking how nice it would be to have some extra income.
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by Colin Bevan, published 16.08.2019
Hi...I'm Colin from the UK. I am 58 years old and have been involved in internet/online marketing for some 6 years, on and off, whilst holding down a 'day job' but trying to make it into the 'big time', so to speak, in the world of online marketing. I have dabbled in this, that and the other over the years but the projects I've been involved in, have either folded for whatever reason or I just wasn't able to make them work.
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by Patrick Borg, published 16.08.2019
When I started my online business two years ago, my first dilemma was, how on eartham I going to market my website, my business?I was running here and there to get the right business to bring in money. I had no choice, back then,on how much money I could make, but today, I'm bring you a choice on how much you wouldlike to make. This system works for USA, Canada, Australia and Worldwide.This system Anyone can successfully do, because it is designed to make you money, even if youhave never been in online business or marketing.
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by Olapeju Olasokan, published 07.08.2019
Imagine a time when you can finally work because you love your job not because of financial pressures. Imagine having the flexibility you gain from working from home. Also imagine being able to wander around the world at affordable prices creating memories. If this sounds like dreams them i welcome you to embrace this opportunity and make it come to reality through this business oppurtunity.If you desire to tap into the trillion dollar travel industry, you are welcome to join my team on ibuumerang platform.
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by Deborah Usery, published 12.08.2019
Hello, my name is Deborah and I am a former elementary school teacher of about 18 years, wife and mom of three. I have worked with 4 other MLM companies since college...and I am almost 48 years young! When I came across the company I am with now, I was floored with its Clean Living promise as well as its simplicity to their social marketing plan and their amazing love for their customers! The products which range from weight loss and health care, to nutrition and supplements, to our amazing skin care are hands down phenomenal!
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by Rachel Biggs, published 15.08.2019
Would you like to earn money via your smart phone? A wonderful new opportunity awaits you to turn your smartphone into earning money for YOU! It's TRUE and so simple!I am sending you this brief document below that explains a bit more about Crowd1 - a first of a kind, online network marketing company that earns money from people playing games on their smartphones! You could earn commission too, everytime someone plays games!
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by Dave Kotecki, published 15.08.2019
All right... back again.I'm here in San Francisco as far as the cartoon scene is concerned. Actually I am in California, but I'm a little bit east of San Francisco.Had to climb the mountain today, throw on chains and well, that was pretty rough. But anyway, looking on the bright side of things, which is why I'm having the sunny background, I wanted to start talking about stuff that people don't think about and they really should.
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by Mateya Askew, published 15.08.2019
Hi Everyone! My name is Mateya and I am with an awesome Health and Wellness company called CTFO (Changing The Future Outcome)! This company have over 70 products that can help with many different aliments in your body such as poor blood sugar, poor blood pressure, lack of sleep, lack of energy, overweight and more. I currently take their weight loss products I have been on these products for about 2 months and I have lost 10 pounds and I am still coming down!
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by Winston Thompson, published 15.08.2019
Marketing online is now the most popular way to get your business seen and yet a vast majority of business owners do not use online marketing to reach their potential audience, either through lack of knowledge or the high cost of advertising.The Royaltie platform is a Game Changer using leading innovative technology which enable small/medium sized businesses to market like the big boys without breaking the bank.
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by Soner Isik, published 15.08.2019
Ortaklık programı fırsatı sizin için.Clothing and accessories offered on this siteTake the opportunity to make some new money for yourself and your family by taking some time, be patient and focus on winningPeople from all over the world can join this site to do business and you don't have to pay a fee for it.After you subscribe to the site, you can start selling by introducing the links of the products you want anywhere.
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by Cheyenne Whitefeather-Conklin, published 15.08.2019
SIMPLICITY!!! Do YOU Want to be a part of the newest, fast rising and an inspirational company? Join me at RevitalU. I’ve used the Smart Coffee for 2 months and I’ve lost near 16 pounds...for me this is HUGE as I have been overweight, or obese the majority of my life. Simplicity is what I love about this business. It can be managed right from your phone! You can send samples...right from your phone.
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by Areba Leonard, published 15.08.2019
Hi my name is Areba ! I'm a momprenuer who is a freelance makeup and skincare artist who loves everything makeup, beauty and skincare related! I love trying new products and sharing beauty tips! I want to teach everyone about tips and tricks on makeup and skincare! 3 years ago I started my own business in skincare and makeup. After being 1st introduce on how to start a business in skincare and makeup I heard that this lady drives a pink Cadillac same age as me, makes over $13,000 a month while going to college full time while running a wedding, cratering business and working for a nonprofit.
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by Natalya Panferova, published 15.08.2019
Hello everyone, look carefully if Health is important to you. Salt Nayuta 880 is a special type of salt that can be obtained by boiling ordinary salt and purifying it from impurities and gas, melting Solvychegodsk for 300 hours at a temperature of 1000 degrees C, thereby evaporating harmful heavy metals and inorganic substances into salts, obtaining pure 99.99% crystals and that are easily absorbed into the human body.
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by Michelle Rush, published 15.08.2019
I’m a Tupperware consultant and our team is wonderful almost like family. We have a goal of 20 new recruits this week because our summer gig kit normally $60 is $49!!!! Plus you get a new item not even in the catalog yet!!!! This is so awesome because I’ve never seen the kit so low! You’ll get instant commission and the chance to purchase new items at an even bigger discount!!!! Contact me today to get started mrsahr527@gmail.
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by Jasmine Trujillo, published 15.08.2019
Hi there, I am looking for individuals who have a monthly budget of $40 who want to lose 31+ pounds in 90 days! CLINICALLY PROVEN, KEEPS BLOOD SUGARS IN CHECK! GLUTEN FREE, SOY FREE, VEGAN, DAIRY FREE AND NON GMO. Contact me for more information!! Or you may go directly to my site. There are multiple skin care products available to add or change your daily regimen. Many items available to detox your body, cleanse, provide extra support to your joints and cartilage, hot flashes, anxiety and stress support, products to GROW your hair, nails, eyelashes and improve your skin to become more radiant and glowing.
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by Sharné Heuvel, published 15.08.2019
Good dayDue to the fact that I don't have enough credits to contact people interested in this phenomenal company, I decided to create this business announcement.I am a proud independent affiliate with Karatbars International, a company helping people save their money in Gold and getting paid to do so.Karatbars International started in 2011 in Stuggart Germany and has grown to about 145 countries worldwide and we have over 800 000 affiliates with us.
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by Rosella Wise, published 14.08.2019
A True Ground floor OpportunityI never thought in my lifetime that I would be a part of a company that hasn't even launched yet let alone launch into 200 countries ALL AT ONCE and SOON!And yet here I am! The excitement is bubbling below the surface waiting in anticipation. It's like watching a baby taking it's first steps and as the parent you are over the moon and crying happy tears.Well, that's my team, crying happy tears because they know like me, that QuiAri is ready to hit the world.
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by Tanya Detering, published 14.08.2019
I have been searching for something I could do from home while taking care of my 2 year old daughter at home. After searching for 2 and a half years, I came across a FREE workshop to watch, either a replay or a live session. Right after watching the workshop I asked myself: What do I have to loose? I only live life once, and when its over it is over. I asked myself do I have enough to provide for my family?
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by Blake Litton, published 14.08.2019
Hello There!My name is Blake Litton and I was born, raised and currently reside in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area. I am married and have 2 children, a son and a daughter. We also have 3 dogs, 2 guinea pigs and a fish, if you want to get technical, as they are just as part of the family as anything!I have been involved in network marketing for about 4 years now and if you really think about it, we all have been involved in network marketing throughout the course of our life, it’s just whether we are getting paid or not for promoting things we like.
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by Chad Nicholls, published 14.08.2019
Hey everyone, my name is Chad Nicholls and this is my first announcement. I'm a passionate investor who is in constant need of more working capital. I don't have much of a background with work from home businesses that are MLM based and involve selling products or services. I'm not here promoting any products or sharing any links to external websites. This is not to say I won't share things privately, but from this public announcement I will simply state that I am here to give that which was given to me.
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by Dave Kotecki, published 14.08.2019
Hey, what is going on? I am down here in, shoot, I'm pretty close to Sun City, but we can call it Phoenix.I look at this, there's weather out here. It's freaking amazing, nice and warm. This is what I'm talking about. I don't think you need ice in any place but a cold drink. And I've been running around doing my thing with the truck today. And I had this load where it was cardboard, and the shipper did not secure the cardboard to the pallet effectively enough.
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by Chantale Davis, published 14.08.2019
I am a consultant with Sipology by steeped tea. Sipology by steeped tea is a Canadian company dragon den approved. Yes they have two dragon on there side. Such a great story of strength and courage to start this company. On a journey to BC after a tragic event lead them earl gray de la creme the tea that started it all. This journey took them on a study of tea they went to Japan and learnt all they could before starting as small company.
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