by Rose Trumbull, published 29.05.2020
Hello! My name is Rose, wife and mom of three and so excited to be on a new adventure. This last year we threw our lives into a whirlwind of changes, we quit our jobs that were tying us down and stressing us out. Looked for joy in the small things around us. Found new jobs that were less stress and gave us more time to be home with the kids, focuse on hobbies, including gardening, music and art.I really love expressing myself in all forms of art, including one of my favorites, Makeup!
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by Katherine Fillmore, published 13.05.2020
What a great time to get on board with this opportunity as Elepreneurs has a special RIGHT NOW on enrollment for the month of May. Join for only $24.95 (Reg &49).The main driver of our business is to spread happiness and elevate people's lives through our impact products. Our functional products and supplement elevate your happy hormones Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins with all natural ingredients.
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by Rebecca Timmons, published 29.05.2020
I've known for several years you have to work for what you want. But never in a million years did I think I would find an industry full of positive women chasing goals and dreams. Ya'll, I LOVE IT! My team is growing, and I literally paid off a high impact dink off of my credit last month!If you are motivated to find some new kind of confidence, new relationships, growth AND make extra money.
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by Angela Mccoy, published 29.05.2020
Greetings!We are looking for 40 Strong People to join our team the month of June. We are Total Life Changes, a Health & Wellness Company with the best products on the market. We ship to over 30 countries, provide you with a back office to help you keep track of sales and prospects. We have weekly training and celebrate all successes! All you have to do is post and share. The best way to sell is to share your story.
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by Kathie Carr, published 29.05.2020
Hi there! I'm Kathie and I know that you do know people who eat! And I bet that many of them are looking for great, delicious, easy food. I want to tell you about the Do You Bake opportunity. I am a team lead and have been featured in the last several catalogues and flyers. I love my DYB team and customers. Do You Bake is so much more than baking. Do not let our name fool you. We have food solutions from seasonings, snacks, meals, and desserts.
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by Alessa Luciano, published 11.02.2020
*Praetorian Group International (PGI) is a brand NEW Company with over Five Corporate Officies, in the USA, UK, Manila in the Philippines, in Singapore and Uganda in Africa.* *It has combined Cryptocurrency and amazing health Products for everyone. The health products and massage gadgets, crypto ATMs, Crypto Table ATMs, Crypto ATM POS mobile device (the size of a smart phone) where you can buy and sell bitcoin daily, Visa and Master cards, Pays you Return on Investment on your registration package daily (1-3%) all in one place for you.
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by Elaine Kelly, published 29.05.2020
The day arrived, The Body Shop At Home Pre Launch registration has opened as we welcome our first pioneers to the newest & greatest opportunity in direct sales to open in North America in a very long time. Your business beauty kit is waiting for you to collect and my team is waiting to welcome you, to support and coach you to success.We have our training units all ready to go and if you want to climb the career plan and bring your team with you, then you will see how rich our compensation structure really is.
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by Sylvia The-kisho, published 29.05.2020
Hi I am a member of the money in crew contact me for more.0832321036I am also a member of Crowd1 and I know it sounds a bit much but I am unemployed and don't want to work for someone ever again.My biggest interest now is in Mining City because everyone knows that Btc is the future.The newest mining coin now is BTCV which stands for bitcoin vault.BTCV went from $1 December 2019 to $157 today.So imagine how much is it going to be in December 2020.
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by Senzekile Msomi, published 29.05.2020
Are you struggling with debts, can't get the car of your dreams, or are you tired of your living condition??? If you have answered YES to all my questions, well Up2give Global Community is your answer. With as little as $32.00 you get to join our winning team. Basically Up2give is a Philanthropic site seeking to promote the welfare of others. It is a community that helps you achieve your dreams.
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by Meheza Beketi, published 29.05.2020
Hello. I am Yves and I am a Builderall partner. Simply said, Builderall is an outstanding platform or a VERY BIG TOOL BOX for all those who want to develop an online business. Not only, can you use Builderall to build and develop your own business, but you can also promote it through AFFILIATION. So, in both cases, YOU WIN. To use Builderall, no need to be an expert in any domain. You can also try it for free during 14 days if you click on this linkMy builderall home pageNow what makes Builderall so amazing?
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by Lissa Norris , published 29.05.2020
Are you looking to run a Beauty Business right from your home?? Do you have a passion for makeup and other beauty products? Are you looking to make an income from home? If you answered YES to any of the questions thenI have the perfect solution for you!FARMASi is the newest fastest growing and HIGHEST paid ground floor opportunity out there! Once you sign up you automatically make 50% commission on whatever you sell PLUS you get an automatic 50% personal discount for you to use on your own purchases!
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by Paul Botha, published 29.05.2020
Dont you want to be part of a company whereby you know EXACTLY where your money is and watch it grow, I know that's what I wanted. ITS ISNT DERIVATIVES AND SHARES, ITS IN YOUR HAND, REGISTERE. Because of so many systems out there that a person cant bargain on, I, myself am very sceptical about companies and when I came across Silverchief, My entire life changed... Knowing where my money having a paper trail was a big concern for me and being assured and insured through reputable businesses and companies with ALL the legal documentation in place, made this a no brainer for me.
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by Desmarie Mullineux , published 28.05.2020
Crowd1 has reached it more than 5 million member mark within 157 countries on 18 May 2020. To celebrate this achievement, Crowd1 is again offering their Epic Promotion, running until 05 June 2020.Crowd 1 is currently at 5.5 million members as of 26 May 2020, and still growing steadily by roughly 50 000 members daily.As part of the promotion, once joining and purchasing a package within the business, you will get a free/automatic upgrade to the next level package.
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by Zelmari Simmons, published 28.05.2020
This is the opportunity of a lifetime.This is a global online crowd marketing and networking company that is affiliated with the gaming & entertainment industry, which is a Trillion dollar industry, and 10 more product coming soon.You can buy shares in this company and then become a shareholder with lots of benefits.You will buy shares in an educational line of products and as part of their membership package (shareholders benefits) you also get reward points and access to their money making online divisions which includes Affilgo (The gambling industry), Epic lotto & Migster (The Online Gaming industry), as of now and will increase by up to 10 products that are going to be included into the membership before end of 2020.
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by Kamogelo Maila, published 28.05.2020
Hey everyone , I hope you are well. Ive partnered with some influential friends of mine and business People who are looking to expand an American company(Total life changes) into our region. Im looking for people who want to make additional income this year and wonder if youre open to receiving further information on this? The national lockdown and covid19 have taught me not to relax. We cannot depend on one salary and total life changes is a good opportunity for people to make an extra income.
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by Richard Murphy, published 28.05.2020
7 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Earning Money With An Internet BusinessTo see more about 7 Common Stereotypes When It Comes To Earning Money With An Internet Business watch it on YouTube click hereThe seven common stereotypes when it comes to making money with an internet business is something that can be a real challenge for many new internet entrepreneurs. This is because they are afraid of what others will think and when you are in the highly competitive business world of the internet, you need to know what you are doing and what you are not doing in order to be successful.
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by Mitchell Holland, published 28.05.2020
Hello Friends, Reps, Networkers,As I'm rapidly approaching my 6th decade of life, and having run several large and successful businesses, I've come to understand a few things about success:1. Inefficiency typically exists for a reason.2. Helping others does help you help yourself.3. "How can I help you?" Is the best selling tool you can ever learn.4. Being unique gets you attention.5. Residual income is the bomb.
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by Charbel Martial Patinvoh, published 28.05.2020
Qui sommes-nous et que faisons-nous ??Nous sommes une communaut de jeunes Africains luttant ensemble au sein de H2CROFF pour atteindre la libert financire.Pourquoi crer une communaut dducation financire des jeunes??Le constat alarmiste selon lequel, la jeunesse africaine manque cruellement de formation financire du fait de lducation acadmique quil reoit pendant 20 ans sans, coupl avec la rvolution numrique en cours et surtout mal comprise et mal exploite, oblige faire de leur ducation financire un cheval de bataille et surtout de leur montrer les diffrentes mthodes pour se faire de largent aux quotidiens sur internet juste avec leurs tlphones ou leurs ordinateurs.
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by Jade Kennedy, published 28.05.2020
I just wanted to drop in and say thank you for all your support and interaction! It really does mean a lot to my business and to my fitness journey!Another mama ( or a few friends and I) from my page and I decided were all going to do the 30 days to fitness and healthy living challenge! It helps aid in gut digestion, ( so if youre bloating its usually due to plaque/fat build up in the 40ft of intestines you have), it has meal supplement shakes you can either replace your lunch with or have along side your breakfast, kid you not their like milk shakes!
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by Tochukwu Agbo, published 28.05.2020
TwentyXpro is like going to University to learn Online/Network marketing and aside becoming a professional & getting your certificate which the company will send to your address through post, you also get paid 100% commission for sharing & inviting others to come take the coursesThe company's product is Knowledge, value and digital marketing courses that will give one great authority and leads on social media.
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by Mike Williams, published 28.05.2020
Whether you are new to Network Marketing or a seasoned pro, there is something of use for you in MLMROD.So what is MLMROD?MLMROD, also known as Multi Level Marketing Recruit On Demand, is an all in one platform designed to help rocket success within the Network Marketing industry.How is this achieved?Training programs.Over 20 training videos which are related to Prospecting and Follow-Up best practice.
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by Prakash Kunjeer, published 28.05.2020
Recent crisis thought a major lesson- having a job is just not enough. Most people had to stay home or work from home. Some got paid, but most did not. Brutal lesson indeed. But even before the crisis, a job (just over broke) is not enough. It may pay the bill and support your day to day living. But not enough for you to sustain major crisis or make you financially independent. Basically, in your regular job, you are exchanging time for money.
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by Rose Glenny, published 28.05.2020
BIGGEST OPPORTUNITY IN THE NETWORK MARKETING INDUSTRY!!LIFESTYLE MARKETING GROUP A.I AUTOPILOTHello everyone around the World,I hope you are staying safe...well and encouraged.Because we have this opportunity...I have made it mymission today to reconnect with everyone I can,I truly believe this Launch in June will change lives...and alsoit is my passion to now help others to see it.LMG is a Artificial Intelligence business Platform.
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by Gwet Adeline Christel, published 28.05.2020
Crowd1 est une compagnie qui a vu le jour grce deux associs Sudois dont Jonas ric werner ,actuellement en prelancement et dont le sige actuel est en Espagne,aujourd'hui spcialise dans la Fomation , l'EDUCATION ainsi que le GAMING en ligne, le sige social de CROWD1 se trouve aujourd'hui en ESPAGNE et associ d'Impact Crowd Technology SLC'est une cash machine qui en Janvier 2019 a dcid de dvelopper ses sources de revenus en se positionnant sur un autre gros march mondial qu'est le Gaming on Line (les jeux en ligne).
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by Eunice Princewill, published 28.05.2020
Living is expensive, isn't it? Thank goodness most of us have jobs that cover our daily expenses. However, is it enough? At what expense?We also have to think about unexpected incidents that may come up, not to mention saving for family vacations, golden years,and even our hobbies to fuel our passion.Im a wife and a mum to our beautiful 22 months old girl. I stay home with her while my husband goes to work.
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