by Sharon Taylor-Fernandes, published 10.03.2019
Hi,My name is Sharon and I am a Senior Independent Consultant with a “Great” company. I am the owner of my own “Home - Based Business “ with this great skincare and cosmetics company. Color Me Beautiful, Flori Roberts, Adrien Arpel, and Gale Hayman.Color Me Beautiful is the brand which has great skincare for all skin types and cosmetics for all Caucasian’s complexion. Color Me Beautiful also specializes in color analysis, making sure you are wearing the best colors in your outfits to make you look and feel more beautiful and youthful.
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by Angela Goodrum, published 03.01.2021
I'm looking for motivated, and determined individuals, interested in clean, natural skincare, beauty and nutritional products, who want to develop their own online business either as a second income or to complete remap their future.Arbonne is a certified B corporation with over 40 years experience, delivering ultra premium, luxurious products that are kinder to our bodies and kinder to our planet vwhile delivering amazing resulrs.
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by Denita Mills, published 26.06.2020
Loose 5lbs in 5 Day's with the Drink 2 Shrink Formula All Natural Ingredient's Without Changing your Diet! Drink 2 Cups a Day and Watch the Weight Shrink Away. 2020 Let's get Healthy and it Start's with You!Ingredient's :Holy Thristle, Persimmon Leaves, Marsh Mellow Leaves, Marsh Mellow Leaves, Blessed Thristle, Papaya, Ginger, Chamomile, Myrrh.Drink 4oz two (2) Times a Days Warm or Iced W/Sweetener.
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by Paul Bilek, published 08.04.2021
My partner Pete took things to a new level with our virtual live event that took place on March 16, 2021 at 5PM EST. Have a look at it here.Watch the replay on my blog: in your details in the form, and we'll be happy to guide you joining and getting you to earning up-to $500/week to start.Also in same blog: Rich people Acquire Assets First.
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by Bobby Bryant, published 08.04.2021
Im offering Unlimited Roadside Assistance that your insurance company aint offering. Exclusively from Motor Club of America we offer unlimited Towing. Up to 100 mile radius, unlimoted battery boost, unlimited tire change, fuel delivery, we cober Autos, rvs, Motorcycles, trailers. 500$ emergency room coverage, we offering 50,000 Accidental life insurance 25,000 bail bond coverage. 500$ Emergency Travel help What!
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by Aimy Parkes, published 08.04.2021
Hey, my name is aimy parkes.I am a fm leader, based in Staffordshire.We specialise in fragrances for him and her! Beautifully presented and high quality.Whilst you can purchase at a lower than high street cost, it is free to join the business. I can guide you, I will take you to the water, teach you how to drink, but I can't force you! It is totally fee to join and you can earn 30% instant commission,and 50% commission in your first 30 days.
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by Marion Zanger, published 09.07.2020
La qualité de l'air ambiant dans les maisons, les produits ménagers hors pairs, facilitateur de ménage, des produits de beauté sans nanoparticules de plastique et des produits pour animaux sans conservateurs ni colorants au service de la population. De très belles rencontres ont fait de moi une femme heureuse et comblée. Je souhaiterai montrer à toute la terre l'efficacité de nos produits et le bien être que l'on peut avoir en les utilisant, mais aussi le bien être que nous avons après avoir tester nos produits pour la peau, et savoir en plus qu'ils ne polluent pas, c'est juste génial.
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by Loche La Cante, published 08.04.2021
You won't regret join our team!Our company is based in over 120+ countries worldwide but It's brand new in South Africa. In our compensation plan we have 7 ways of earning, the earnings is uncapped and based on the effort you put in. You work from anywhere you want to. We get paid everyMonday.Our commission is in US Dollars.It is the fastest growing network marketing company in the world.The products are flowing quickly to the clients.
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by Cassandra Palmer, published 31.03.2021
We have our own technology called the PRIB, which does all the work for you- the upselling, the scaling, the follow ups and more.This opportunity is a one in a lifetime thing, we want to share this with the world and you never know what this opportunity may bring you, financial freedom, a new lifestyle, new friends,we also have made a lot of friends on this amazing journey and want more friends to enjoy it with us.
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by Chris Suckling, published 06.04.2021
Forsage is head and shoulders the best network marketing opportunity out there, but you have to recruit. Without referrals you have no business. You cannot survive on spillover alone.The question is, are you confident you can drive enough traffic to profit? This is where our team's 3 x 3 business model comes in. The beauty of Forsage is that you can drive traffic to any your teams referral links within the program.
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by Joanne Weldon, published 07.04.2021
Hi I’m Joanne. I’m a district manager with Arbonne who is looking to expand my business. Let me give you some background information about my awesome business! Arbonne is a health and wellness company that has been in business for over 41 years. It’s a B certified company and sells over 400 nutrition, skincare , health and beauty products. I have managed to build an income producing team within my first 60 days in business.
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by Robin Grant, published 07.04.2021
I am kicking off my business this year selling light therapy systems that help people reduce pain, reduce inflammation, increase circulation, increase cellular repair and you do this in the privacy of your own home whenever you want.It is simple, effective, no side effects and non-invasive. Do you know someone with pain or chronic pain?I am looking for both customers and sales reps to join with an excellent company.
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by Gabrielle Comfort, published 07.04.2021
NOT TOO BE MISSED - Live Well and Live Young!It's daunting out there, first Brexit then the dreaded Covid but I've been lucky enough to be told about this business at the end of last year.I decided to join in January and have been overwhelmed with the help, support and unity which I was not expecting, hence I'm ecstatic to be part of this outstanding company. It has a family culture and servants’ hearts, shared values and common purpose combine to unite everybody.
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by David Ogbaji Ujah, published 07.04.2021
For all those who did not take part in igniter100, do not despair as you can join in on igniter200. Remember that the igniter100 (i100) program allowed individuals to purchase equity shares of Igniter100(a U.K based company) through Solmax Marketing Group. Those shares can be traded on the London Stock Exchange once the listing period is over.
With the launch of igniter200, old and new investors alike have begun making money from bringing other forward-thinking individuals into the business.
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by Doris Ess, published 07.04.2021
Tired of autoship? Want to build a legit Network Marketing business with a company that offers free registration, one-time purchase, no autoship, no flushing of points, over 50 healthcare products, over 100 body care products, amazing incentives, an awesome compensation plan, and very good support system?Did I mention also available in over 188 countries and counting?Are you ready to truly work from home without the hassle of monthly payment before you earn and the possibility of earning in multiple currencies?
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by Sdelo Griffiths Nani, published 07.04.2021
I have tried for a long time to have an online business that bears good results. i have been in and out of the online business without any success. Many systems made too good to be true promises and made marvellous presentation but could not yield any results. Some would even disappear after receiving the joining fee which is sad and unethical. So, what I am trying to say is that online business has never been easy.
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by Linda Shaddix, published 05.04.2021
Hi! It's a new month and No better time than now to join me on an adventure with Farmasi!I am with the largest group In Texas and I can wait to welcome you with open arms and get started! I will be with you percent of the way! 50% commissions is just amazing!!Work from anywhere and get paid while doing it!! Contact me and let's get you started ASAP️I absolutely can't wait!Sls freeParaben freeNon animal testedNon gmoDermatologist testedNo harmful chemicals what so ever are used in our products!
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by Richard Mccurdy, published 06.04.2021
So You want to get started in crypto currencies.
Well how about the K.I.S.S. Method?
you know "Keep it Simple and Sweet"
In just a minute I am going to ask you to just do two things to get started.
Bitlocity is the Perfect Alogarithm. Most people will not put thier toes into the cryptocurrencies stream to getwet because of 'FEAR'.They are sure there are sharks in the water. Well maybe they are very perceptive.
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by Remus Romano Reyes, published 06.04.2021
One of the Top 50 Go Negosyo Company in the Philippines. Its owner, Tomanny Tan is a well-respected entrepreneur that has created products to improve the health of Filipinos and the world by getting distributors who use and enjoy the products. and earning income through its Revolutionary Business Advantage (RBA).I-Fern offers four world-class quality products: FERN-ACTIV, FERN-D, MilkCa and Silverfresh.
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by Bill Salvatore, published 06.04.2021
I could try and convince you until I turn Blue!So Instead, I'll Leave it up to you. If your into Crypto,100% You will make money with this
You have to see it to believe it !
Come see me On Face Book Being fairly new in the Crypto space I can tell ya one thing I learned, you have to do your due Diligence. Finding a potential oppurtuniy that does what it says is not an easy task.
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by Allison Rose-mannall, published 06.04.2021
My name is Allison and I live in the UK, I have 3 children and 2 grandchildren, family is important to me and I carry this over into my business, being able to coach and help others is important to me, I work for Europe's No1 Beauty & Skincare company, Oriflame, not only would I love to have you in my Oriflame team, you I will also be teaching you about Mindset & Business coaching, I don't just believe in offering Beauty products, but a mindset on how to feel beautiful on the inside too.
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by Femi Olu, published 06.04.2021
I've been in this business since September 2017, and the platform has totally transformed my life for me, my family, and my Team! I've earned over $1 Million Dollars in this business and you can do the same and more too. This is my back office below...The Blueprint to my success online has always been, "do the work and get paid instantly" via Peer2Peer commissions.
I love when my Bitcoin & Tron crypto wallet run on autopilot from all the automated incoming payments.
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by Barbara Helebrandt, published 06.04.2021
Som prezidentkou Švajčiarskej firmy VitanaX pre Slovesnkú a Českú republiku. VITANA X je spojenie prírody a výskumu a stanovilo si jasný cieľ sprístupniť najcennejšie poklady z nedotknutej prírody čo najväčšiemu počtu ľudí. Vitana-X je medzinárodná wellness spoločnosť špecializujúca sa na vývoj a výrobu produktov podporujúcich zdravie na základe analýzy DNA.Ako priekopník v tomto priemysle a celosvetová sieť vysoko kvalifikovaných odborníkov ponúka svojim zákazníkom rozsiahle príležitosti pre zdravší život.
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by Corina Alcasid, published 06.04.2021
Hi! My name is Corina Alcasid and I am a teacher, coach and entrepreneur in Ontario, Canada. I have spent 8 years in the network marketing industry looking for my Prince amongst the frogs. I have been a part of a few different companies, each of which I have had success but no e that really spoke to my soul. I was close to leaving the industry when I found Bepic and decided to give it one last shot and am I happy that I did.
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by Tim Tynan, published 06.04.2021
After 24 years at my old Real estate Broker I was shown the most amazing opportunity of my life. I watched a short 9 minute video and switched company's 3 days later. I woke up that day never never intending to change companies. After all I was a Hall of Fame producer and completely content until I realized I didn't know what I didn't know. This has proven to be one of my best decisions ever.
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