by Sunday Adeboye, published 04.08.2021
One of the biggest things that have impacted our society in the past century is automation…Think about all the industries it’s changed.From car manufacturers to washing machines…For example, the average car used to take the company FORD 12+ hours to build.Then one day, they added an automation that moved cars forward (automatically) whenever they would complete a task in order to speed up production time…The result?
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by Aimee Herschberger, published 04.08.2021
Expanding into Canada with Colorstreet. I have been with Colorstreet for a year and half. Im currently a Director and we are rapidly growing. My journey with Colorstreet has been much more then I expected it to be. I joined as a hobby, to give me something to do to keep busy. I am a new empty nester , when your life revolves around your kids and they leave the nest I was finding myself bored. Being a busy body I knew I needed to find something fill the empty gaps.
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by Suad Shamte, published 16.06.2021
What is RèNao Global?It is a Global Network Marketing with members over 78 Countries.What we Do?We Help people change their life for the better.What do we Sell?We Sale Services and Health Products.SERVICESTravel Portal; With Saving up to 70% at Over 1.3 million Global Hotels and Resorts.Boomerang Rewards; Earn Free Travel by just sharing Email Boomerang with Friends and Family.Artificial Intelligence (AI); Everything you need to market online.
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by Victoria Boyd, published 04.08.2021
Building relationships is the key to building your business. The adage, “People buy from people they know, like and trust” is so true.And like anything else, building a relationship is a process. Traditionally, the process included passing out tons of business cards, face to face networking, and consistent follow up. Most work was local and encounters with prospects happened throughout a small region.
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by Noufal P Bava, published 04.08.2021
Direct selling businesses have to spend more time on attracting and retaining customers Successful customer relationships involve not just providing products or services at an acceptable level of quality but also giving attention and understanding the needs of individual customers as well as how those needs may change over time. Adopt different strategies to acquire new customers and retain them to grow your direct selling business.
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by Sindiswa Khabah, published 04.08.2021
HiI'm a distributer for LURRALIFE I'm selling Drink2shrink and other healthy want to loose weight the healthy way? You also want to become a distributer,let's connect.i am an unemployed mother of 4 and guess what,through Selling LURRALIFE products especially Drink2shrink juice,I am so in control of my lifeI can pay my bills,take my kids out whenever I feel like.i have been in and out of MLM but I have neverenjoy or make money as I am making now with LURRALIFE MLM.
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by Brian Portelli , published 04.08.2021
Sign up to Multiple Income funnel during the month of August and I will return my Commission of $20 back to you.Your cost to join this Program is now a tiny $29 and you still have the 30 day Money back guarantee where you will receive a full refund of your $49.Its a no brainer.This program include 4 streams of Income. You simply promote your Affiliate link and the Multiple Income Funnel program does everything for you.
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by Tenesha Felton, published 02.08.2021
COVID has taught us that there is a need for opportunities to earn additional income. Through this pandemic individuals lost their jobs which led to them becoming unable to provide for their families. This has caused financial distress for a lot of families. I can not tell you how many individuals I meet that say to me they need to make a change. People complain about being over workers, having no time for family and not making enough money.
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by Norma Shapland, published 10.05.2021
I joined Pruvit completely by accident. I was wanting to help a friend out, so, I signed up. I started off as a customer. I didn’t believe the product would do what she said it would do. I was hopeful. I had tried other fat loss products on the market over the years with zero results. After A few servings, the first thing I noticed was my energy levels were high. I was super focused. I didn’t feel jittery like other caffeine products made me feel.
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by King Of Traffic, published 15.01.2021
You can now get an automated Funnel system that pays 100% commissions. It is called the Prosperity MarketingSystem and it is powerful. You can try it out completely free for 7 days and take it for a spin around the block. I highly recommend you doing this as this funnel is nothing like you have ever seen before. The tools you are going to get in your back office are unlike no other anywhere for internet marketing success.
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by Marta Mia, published 03.08.2021
I am an excited and experienced user and distributor of Lifewave patches for several years. It is a unique natural support for health and well-being. This non-invasive and effective method has no competition in the world. It is also an exceptional business opportunity, a truly right time opportunity for both the body and the wallet.Lifewave phototherapy patches - patented technology delivering more energy, pain relief, reduced stress, better sleep, immune support and overall well-being - with no drugs, chemicals, stimulants.
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by Virginia Cummings, published 03.08.2021
Hi I hope you are safe! My name is Virgina. I am an Independent Scentsy Consultant. I started my Scentsy journey in January 2021 and love it. This was probably one of the best investments I ever made. I have been promoted 2 times already. Probably would've been more if I didn't take a break. I absolutely love Scentsy and sharing all the products and scents.I started my journey with Scentsy to have extra income to spoil my grandson.
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by Dave Kotecki, published 03.08.2021
"What's your problem?"That's what the poster of yet another non-sensical meme posing as profound statement said to me after I blasted it.I didn't bother to answer the hapless loser, who spends most of his time searching for these 'uplifting!' memes and never gets anything done.He seemingly lives for the praise of others with nothing better to do than haunt so-shill media commenting 'Awesome!
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by Karin Huyhues, published 03.08.2021
Ensemble nous pouvons commencer à changer notre mode de vie.En procédant à un programme pour faire disparaître l'inflammation du corps, de réactiver notre énergie et notre vitalité.Si tu es prêt à bouger tout cela suit moi surEn améliorant ton bien être au quotidien , tu améliores ta mobilité quelque soit ton âge.Sportif, tu améliores les tensions articulaires et musculaires, ainsi qu'une meilleure récupération générale.
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by Kevin Williams, published 03.08.2021
So it's no surprise that Facebook is most people's choice for prospecting and recruiting people into their business opportunity.What's also not a surprise is how many people tend to make some very common mistakes when it comes to prospecting other people about that opportunity.And it's these same mistakes that constantly keep networkers broke, frustrated and typically on the brink of quitting.
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by Victoria Boyd, published 03.08.2021
Here's a conversation you are probably familiar with in the direct sales, network marketing or MLM industry. This might even be you....THEM: Hi, welcome to my Downline… You must be super excited. I am super excited for you. Are you ready to get started?
YOU: Of course, what do I need to do?
THEM: Great – here’s what you are going to do. Make a list of your closest friends and family, aim for about a hundred….
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by Gord T Davis, published 04.06.2021
Many MLM opportunities revolve around health and wealth and this makes sense as these are the two most important elements in just about anyone’s life. Some focus on supplements like vitamins and/or exercise and building strong bodies. Others focus on a business opportunity that can bring a lot of money to those who work hard at the business. Many focus on both and that is a good thing. So, how do you know if you are looking at a business that really and truly makes a difference?
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by Catherine Foster, published 02.08.2021
Today we are calling all MLMers- This is your opportunity to Join a unique facebook group supporting MLM reps. for HIGH social media promotion and exposure of your MLM business. When you are accepted into Big Vision facebook group you will receive 10 free leads. There will be other opportunities to receive leads as you learn tips and training in being healthy in mind body and spirit. To be truly successful means loving yourself by taking care of your personal needs in life to balance all those parts of yourself!
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by LOUISE KINNEAR, published 02.08.2021
Are you ready to be an integral part of the future? This Company was launched on 26th June 2021.
The nucleus of this Company is their #G999 utility coin, and everything else is being build around this.
The very lavish advert of this product, was broadcast alongside the highest building in Dubai:
In an ecosystem that is ever expanding, you are sure to find something that resonates with you and which will
be supplying you with a residual income in years to come.
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by Dave Kotecki, published 02.08.2021
Wear a mask.Get a shot.Stay home.Keep 6 ft distance.People are dying, but it's no big deal.Vax protects you, but still mask up.You're immune, but sometimes not.All based on whatever Dr. Faucinstein decides based on the direction of political winds.Or maybe it's all true, and the other guys are crazy.I learned enough in 5th grade health class to tell me everything I needed to know about this or any future germ-driven hysteria.
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by Lynda Easler, published 02.08.2021
Monat is a fast growing company … we are now in 7 countries. , USA, Canada, UK, Ireland, Poland and just launched into Spain and Lithuania. Hair care, skin care and wellness products( wellness just in US and UK right now but coming to Canada soon)We are the only anti-aging hair care company on the market. Our rejuvenique oil is infused into 95% of our products. Our products penetrate ALL 3 layers of the hair shaft where all other products sit on the cuticle and act like a band aid to surface problems but never actually heal your hair.
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by Michele Barnhouse, published 02.08.2021
Calling ALL MLM Reps...we are accepting 1 rep from each company. Our group has support, training, business tips, HIGH social media exposure and more!!!!1st Come, 1st Served!We started our group to support reps who may be struggling, have little support or to simply give a boost to their business. Having been there in that situation ourselves, we know it's just dog eat dog out there.Anyone in the group interested in your business will support YOU!
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by Kenny Blackwelder, published 02.08.2021
CTFO has done it again! They have made there compensation plan even better! CTFO has added a $1000 Fast start bonus and has made the qualifications for the "infinity 7 Team" based on team volume instead the number of packs sold.Here is how the $1000 Fast Start Bonus works.You have to reach a certain team volume in sales within your first 30 days to qualify. There are 3 levels to this bonus. $1000 team volume, $3000 team volume and $5000 team volume.
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by Susan Short, published 02.08.2021
Welcome to my world of beauty. My name is Susan and beauty is not only found on the outside but on the inside as well. I help women (and men) find their inner and outer beauty. Each and everyone of us has beauty & taking care of yourself on the outside helps open up your inner beauty as well.I teach proper skin care with top notch skin care products and supplements customized for each unique age and skin type.
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by Jennifer Owens , published 02.08.2021
goldluckinvestment is an Australian based investment company that is operating golobally and is the bright representative of modern high-yield cryptocurrency market, a Bitcoin mining company with a team of experienced traders and financial analysts who have years of experience in different markets. Which our main aim is to make sure our investors has the safest investment platform in the crypto marketGoldluck investment company offers- 3% daily for 5 days on starter plan- 3.
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