Body shop at home USA independent consultants needed
Want to earn an extra $50+ a week? Body shop at home is back in the USA. We launched June 1st and have over 4300 sales people at the moment so its a great time to get involved before it becomes over saturated. Our products are 100% cruelty free, community fair trade and vegetarian/some vegan. Our scents are amazing without being overpowering. Our company is eco friendly and comes with a great support system and a free website to sell your products that ship direct to your customers. We are empowering women throughout the world with our community fair trade partnerships, a decent wage for a days work, building schools and wells in impoverished countries. It is a fantastic company and i cannot wait to talk to you all about it. I can be reached by email at
Ever dreamt of financial freedom and a better work / life balance? Youre in the right place. In 1994, our founder Anita Roddick created The Body Shop At Homeo help equip people achieve just that. How much you earn is up to you, whether you want a side-hustle or full-time business; the skys the limit.
Want to earn an extra $50+ a week? Body shop at home is back in the USA. We launched June 1st and have over 4300 sales people at the moment so its a great time to get involved before it becomes over saturated. Our products are 100% cruelty free, community fair trade and vegetarian/some vegan. Our scents are amazing without being overpowering. Our company is eco friendly and comes with a great support system and a free website to sell your products that ship direct to your customers. We are empowering women throughout the world with our community fair trade partnerships, a decent wage for a days work, building schools and wells in impoverished countries. It is a fantastic company and i cannot wait to talk to you all about it. I can be reached by email at or you can sign up on our website at
Once signed up or just because you want more info and chances to win products you can join my FB group lara's beauty hut. There i can share with you tips, support and fun and games. We have a HUGE team in the UK behind us who are some amazing men and women and available and willing to help any time, wether you just want to buy the kit and get discounts on your own products or start an empire. Body shop at home is the company for you. We have many incentives and paid promotions and chances to earn product credits to help build you.
Our company ethos is fantastic and we truely are a company who cares, we stand behind our consultants and help them realize their dream. This company
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