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How would you like to have an all done for you sales system?  

No need to talk to anybody, no need to sell anything, the only thing you need to do is get people into the front door, followed by 12 simple steps (the padlocks), so simple that even your grandmother can do it.

Well, you're in luck, this system has just launched (may 31 2017).

This system, called the padlock system, is designed by Jeremy Rush, and it is really as simple as I said above. 

You don't even need to make landingpages or emails for an autoresponder, it is all taken care of. Even the the text and pictures for the ads on facebook, twitter, instagram and whatever social or advertising media you use are pre-made.

Now you will have to do something ofcourse, you have to get people into the system with the pre-made advertising. You will have to go to 12 steps. In those 12 steps you will get assignments about what to advertise, where to advertise it and when to advertise it. That is about it. 

You have to follow the instructions per padlock to the rule before you can go to the next padlock. It doesn't matter if it will take you 15 minutes or a year to do them, as long as you do them. It is designed in a way that 15 minutes a day should do it.

The earning will start in padlock 2. In padlock 1 you need to get a certain number of leads, you will be told how, where and when to get those leads. The system will start to convert those leads into directs. 

As soon as a lead becomes a direct, the system will start to send them offers, follow up emails on those offers are taken care of. The system will know it is your direct and will write those emails on your behalf, you will get the commission.

Now it is free to join, but to get into padlock 2 you will need to pay a one time fee of $10. $7.50 of this $10 will be paid to your sponsor. Your directs will follow you into padlock 2 and you will start getting that $7.50 into your account.

It is a simple system for you to plug into with just some simple steps.

Here they are in short:

1. Fill out my landing page (gmail works best)

2. Check your email, my referral link will be in there and a video for you to see, explaining exactly how it works

3. Sign up

4. Do exactly what you are told in the following emails

5. Let the system do its work and cash in

Can it get any easier then this I ask you.

Just sign up and if you don't like what you get, you can always unsubscribe again, but I don't think you will.

To our succes!

Marjolijn Pijl

This article was published on 02.06.2017 by Marjolijn Pijl
Author's business opportunity:

Padlock System - sales system, Free to join

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