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Atomy: Revolutionizing Network Marketing

Atomy: Company Introduction and Background

Atomy, a Korean online shopping mall focusing on health, beauty and personal care products started by Mr. Han Gill Park in 2009, is revolutionizing the network marketing industry.

CEO Han Gill Park

Just a few of the aspects of this business system are: 

  • NO registration fees, 
  • NO monthly and/or annual fees, 
  • NO website fees, 
  • NO required monthly purchase quotas, 
  • NO auto-shipping, 
  • NO high pressure sales tactics (there are no quotas) 

What we DONT have in Atomy

Joining is completely FREE and there is no premium, silver, gold, platinum upgrading or up-selling. 

The reason why it works is this: Atomy abides by the "Masstige Philosophy." This means they make products at "Absolute Quality" and "Absolute Price." Any and all Atomy's products are made to be of higher quality and lower price than anything else in the market. Otherwise, it simply won't make the product.

Atomy's Products are Masstige

When I tell my friends why Atomy works, I always tell them that it's because of the products. One of my friends then remarked, "Yeah, but another company can always make a better product." Yes, it's possible, but so is beating Michael Jordan on a 1-on-1 match in basketball, or knocking down Mike Tyson in a ring. Yeah, anything is possible.

The point is this: other companies can't possibly afford to make products that are as high-quality and low-price as Atomy's. To make products that are unbeatable in both quality and prices you need two things:

  1. Access to the highest level of R&D and cutting-edge technology in the world to make the best quality and
  2. Ownership of all the means of production from the natural resources to the manufacturing to the distribution to be able to control the price and be able to make it as low as possible.

Why? Because that's exactly what Atomy has. If you don't have both of these qualities, you can't beat Atomy's quality nor its prices.

The reason why Atomy is able to produce such quality products at such low prices is because of how the company is formed. Atomy is a distribution hub for Kolmar BNH, a company formed as a combination of KAERI (Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute) and Kolmar Korea. 

Atomy company structure

Now, KAERI is basically like the NASA of South Korea and because it is primarily a government funded research institute, it cannot do business as an entity of its own. Therefore, they partnered with Kolmar Korea, an OEM/ODM (original equipment manufacturer and original design manufacturer) which has been in business for over 100 years developing cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Together, they made Kolmar BNH (Beauty and Health), a company that has world-class R&D and cutting-edge technology (including nuclear technology, radiation technology, and nanotechnology) sponsored by the South Korean government itself (so there are no research costs from the private sector), and ownership to all the means of production.

It's like if a car company just appeared out of nowhere that can afford to sell luxury/sports cars that are better than Ferrari for $1,000. 

Marketing and Compensation Plan

You Can Be Successful With Atomy

Well, it can still be a "pyramid scheme" you say? Consider this:

  1. Commissions are paid at a higher percentage to the people of lower rank and continually decreases as you go up the rank.  
  2. There is a cap to how much you can make per month so that literally everyone in this system can “meet at the top.”

Why would they do this? Because the point is to make as many "small, rich people" as they can. Not just a few that are extremely wealthy.

Atomy's marketing plan is simple: try out the products and share the experience. That's it. The products are designed to speak for themselves.

You can replace Atomy's products with anything. They are all of higher quality and of lower price than anything in the market.

The toothbrush is one example. A single toothbrush costs $1.13 but it has gold ionic slim bristles that are very soft yet very firm made by Atomy's nano-technology. You can brush your teeth like you're scrubbing them with these and you still won't get any injuries on your teeth. Even the handles are made of anti-bacterial material.

Atomy toothbrush

There are so many other products, too. Atomy's Skin Essence costs $17 but won the Jang-Young-Shil Award in South Korea, the most prestigious cosmetics award in the country by beating other skin essence products that cost over $300. (South Korea is a small country but ranks 3rd in cosmetics sales in the world and also ranks 1st in number of cosmetic surgeries in the world). Atomy really lives by it's slogan: "Absolute Quality and Absolute Price."

Atomy Essence won the Jang-Young-Shil Award

So how do you make money in Atomy? By accumulating point value and receiving commissions based on the point value given each product. You work with your partners in a binary system, with only two sides: left and right. You accumulate two types of PV: Personal PV (PPV) and Group PV (GPV).

When you accumulate a certain amount of PPV, you are eligible to receive commissions and will be awarded based on the GPV, how much your downlines purchase of products. Group PV is calculated twice a month, on the 15th, and at the end of the month.

Personal PV accumulates for a lifetime. Group PV resets after each commission check.

Don't worry, though. There is no rush. The company waits until you can acquire enough Personal PV and Group PV to get that commission check.

The point, however, is to make residual income. Income that will come into your bank account without any of your effort. When you acquire enough Group PV every two weeks, you will be eligible for Mastership. There are 7 Masterships in Atomy, and even the lowest, the Sales Master, makes a residual income of $2,000 a month.

7 Masterships in Atomy

Note that in the image above, the lowest Mastership is at the bottom - the Sales Master. Also note that they get a larger percentage of the Mastership Bonus Commission.

Along with general commission (commissions made from purchases of products), Sales Masters will also start receiving Mastership Bonuses, which is the percentage of all profit given to the people who have Masterships. Atomy gives 20% of all its profits to the Mastership Bonus and Sales Masters get HALF of all that (50% of the Bonus pie), which is 10% of all the company's profits. This percentage decreases as you go up the Mastership ladder. (Remember, we're trying to make "small, rich people").

Mastership Bonus Pie

How long does it take to get to that level? The fastest I've heard was two months. The longest I've heard was two years (and it was because the person was completely oblivious that there was even a business aspect in the business so she only let one "side" grow for a year and a half until she found out she can grow her "right leg" as well - it then took another 6 months to reach Sales Master). But generally speaking, it takes 3 to 9 months if you consistently use the products and share the experience with those around you. This applies even if you have a full-time 9 to 5 job. You still have to use toothbrush, toothpaste, detergent, take supplements for your health even if you have to work, right?

Compound Growth

Remember that there's compound growth in this business. You don't always go at the same rate just because you started out slow. The more people you refer to the business or products, the faster it will be over time because those same people will share the experience as well. You don't even have to worry about giving so much information about the products or the technology. The products speak for themselves.

Oh and the last tidbit I mentioned about us not being a "pyramid scheme." Atomy has a cap on how much you can make per month in commissions. In the diagram above, you will see that the highest Mastership is the Imperial Master. The Imperial makes $50,000 in commissions per month. There's a cap to how much you can make through General Commissions (accumulating PV), and Mastership Bonus.

This way, there's plenty of money to go around to make many "small, rich people." That's the point. There are a ton of people making a living off of residual income from Atomy. And there is yet to be an Imperial Master. Atomy has been around since it started in South Korea in 2009. Seven years have passed, and we have tons of members who have acquired a Mastership, but no Imperial Master. It just shows you how dedicated the company is to make it easy for the people who really want to pursue the business.

No Point in the Pyramid

It doesn't take too long to become a Sales Master and make residual income from Atomy. The products will sell on their own because nobody's going to go back to products that are more expensive and of lower quality. But if you want to be an Imperial Master, maybe it will take a couple of years or even 10 years. Everybody gets to meet at the top. That's the beauty of doing business in Atomy.

Join Atomy for FREE! Let our group, Atomybombers help you!

Atomy is currently open in the following countries:

  • South Korea 
  • Taiwan 
  • Japan 
  • Canada 
  • Singapore 
  • USA
  • Cambodia
  • Philippines

And they are also planning on opening in Malaysia, Mexico, China, and many more countries within this year or in early 2017.

They are going worldwide, and they ALL work together. This means that if you are in the US, you can make commissions from purchases made in Canada, Japan, Korea, or any other country that Atomy is currently in. This is significantly different from many other systems that are out there that require you to make a different ID for each country.

This is done best as a team effort, and that is why I have created a group for just this: Atomy Bombers. If this is what you’re interested in or if you have any other questions, comment below or visit my group's facebook site and leave me a message. I will get back to you as soon as possible. We have a ton of videos on our FB Page, YouTube channel and other social media.

Also feel free to get more details from our website or contact me. 

To Your Success,

David Yeo

Atomy Bombers

Business Objective: Customer Success

This article was published on 11.06.2016 by David Yeo
Author's business opportunity:

Atomy - Health/Beauty, Free to join

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