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How a $5 investment in oil can make you rich in 2017

With oil prices lower than they have been in 20 years since 2006 now is a safe time to use the usually  dangerous 'buy low...sell high' strategy  for investment. Anyone in this economy who has  any money to invest  will surely be a winner.

It's very obvious that crude oil prices can't help but skyrocket when the current over-supply is used up in the next year or so. In fact, all of the oil in the earth's crust will be gone within 50 years. BP scientists estimate 54 years, but most oil scientists are  predicting depletion by 2045. In any event, it is going fast and prices have nowhere to go but up as world-wide shortages begin to affect the manufacture of  plastics, computers, and cell phones.

So why have oil prices dropped so sharply over the past year? And what caused  the bankruptcies of hundreds of oil producers and shut down more than 1,000 multi-million dollar oil rigs?

Market analysts insist that it's merely a short-term matter of over-production, stockpiling, and decreased demand and there is substantial evidence to support their theories.

At the same time, being a conspiracy theorist, I can't help wondering it wasn't planned to help the rich get richer. I can visualize a large group of excited billionaires early in 2014, conspiring to dump their oil shares - slowly so as not to wake up the small fish - at nice high prices, then start purchasing again when they hit a pre-determined bottom.

It's not an uncommon strategy. mining stock promoters Murray Pezim, Tommy Humphreys, Jack Babikian, Mickey Fulp, and countless others employed similar tactics to make fortunes on the Vancouver stock exchange. The strategy works very well. In fact it's that very thing that motivated me to create The New Oil Barons program.

I often wanted to take advantage of some of these market manipulations but I'm not Warren Buffet or J. Paul Getty and market manipulation has always been out of my financial reach. We the people have never been able to get involved in oil because of the high investments required. One share of BP is selling today around $360.86 but you can't buy one share. In fact, you'd have a hard time finding a broker willing to sell you ten. If you could find one, his fees would be prohibitive. And buying oil futures, that is even farther out of the question; you have buy 1,000 barrels per contract.

So, with all of us in mind (you and I, welfare recipients, pensioners, handicapped, street people, ex-cons, the working poor, and regular folk), I set about finding a way to give everybody a chance to accumulate oil shares at a price affordable to everyone.  I figured that at some point in every month most people can 'beg, borrow, or steal' five dollars in change or bills to start buying oil at this low price and getting rid of it again when the price reached  it's 2014 level of $110.

I got the answer one day listening to Kenny Rogers singing 'The Gambler'  on my car radio.  It called up memories of losing a lot of money in the Las Vegas casinos using the "martingale" system of doubling your losing bet again and again until you win. Which, in a way, is what MLMs are based on: the awesome power of duplication.

And there it was! An MLM where people could earn one five dollar certificate and multiply it over and over again enough times to turn it into an infinite fortune. Best of all, because it's simple, oil based, and at just the right time everybody wins and nobody loses. Anybody with a debit or credit card, even if it's almost flat, and a tongue to talk with, can earn a fortune in a year with a five dollar-a-month membership by telling other people about this great new idea.

So click on the following link as quickly as you can, and read all about it. Then sign up for your first free oil certificate and get the heck out and start blabbing it all over town!

Contact me if you have any questions or need to borrow a five dollar bill.

Cal Smith

This article was published on 26.03.2016 by cals5839 .
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