Crowd1 Epic Promotion is back
Crowd1 has reached it more than 5 million member mark within 157 countries on 18 May 2020. To celebrate this achievement, Crowd1 is again offering their Epic Promotion, running until 05 June 2020.
Crowd 1 is currently at 5.5 million members as of 26 May 2020, and still growing steadily by roughly 50 000 members daily.
As part of the promotion, once joining and purchasing a package within the business, you will get a free/automatic upgrade to the next level package. Thus buying in on the lowest package of EURO 99 (white package), you will get a bump up to the one higher packages of EURO 299 (black package) along with all its associated benefits.
Crowd1 has also now had their first monthly re-occurring residual payment to coalifying members on the 15th May 2020. Coming 15 June 2020 will be the second residual payments to coalifying members, along with he first quarterly dividend payments based on each members share/holding in the business. With this business you can thus earn whether you are an active member (members requiting) or an active member (members not recruiting).
IF you would like to join the business you can contact me on +27 66 264 9315, or feel free to join the business under the following link:
Some background information on the company:
Crowd1 is a network company or a club for networkers that is supporting online gaming and gambling.
Crowd1 is about (Shares) known as (Crowd1 Rewards )
You sign up under the person who invited/introduced you, called your sponsor, and upgrade to one of the 4 essential packages. When you upgrade you get Crowd1 Rewards also known as shares.
If you don't have money to buy any of the package please don't register because your account will be blocked if you don't pay.
White = 99 EURO
Black = 299 EURO
Gold = 799 EURO
Titanium = 2499 EURO
The higher the package the higher the returns. With the Epic Promotion mentioned above, you get an upgrade to the next higher package, thus White to Black, Black to Gold, Gold to Titanium or Titanium to Titanium Pro. Titanium Pro is not listed above as this package is only available during promotion periods and there is only a limited amount of Titanium Pro packages available. The Titanium Pro package is worth 4499 EURO.
How many Crowd1 Rewards you get when join with any of the above listed packages?
White 100 EURO worth of Crowd1 Rewards
Black 300 EURO worth of Crowd1 Rewards
Gold 1000 EURO worth ofCrowd1 Rewards
Titanium 3500 EURO worth of Crowd1 Rewards
Titanium Pro 7000 EURO worth of Crowd1 Rewards
Every time people download games through MIGG.STER, you earn through Crowd1.
Every time people gamble online or play lotto through AffilGO, you earn through Crowd1.
Earn Monthly Income with Crowd1. You will not regret joining Crowd 1. Do not wait, take hold of this opportunity now!
IF you would like to join the business you can contact me on +27 66 264 9315, or feel free to join the business under the following link: