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Here it is, and there is no BS. Yes, this is a No BS Zone. so I hope you enjoy the fresh air! 

Here we go... There are serious threats to your financial situation online today, and there are a few great "wealth wagons" too that can take you to where you want to go. It's important to know the difference.

So let's call these differences: WEALTH WAGONS AND SWAMP RATS

Lets get these RATS out of the way first - it may serve to save you from being rat-eaten! Then some of the good, happy stuff will follow.  Scroll down for the great and durable, please. SWAMP RATS I don't like "raining on the party" you might be in. But the fact is, there are rats GALORE! Red warning flags are hugely abundant nowadays - for those who can recognize them - and their message is STAY AWAY!

What are these red flags? There are many, but I will make this a small list for now. 

Be careful of.... Insanely high returns - say anything from around 2% to 10% per day.

FIXED high returns - never the result of live trading which varies.

No proof of earnings sources - suggesting there are none, meaning it's a Ponzi

No transparency of owners / admins - maybe no info and maybe fake info.

Systems that DEPEND on structures that historically STALL - like matrices and cyclers

All except the last item, strongly suggest you have a Ponzi. The last item may or may not be an honest effort, and the issue of dependency is key here, but these tend to whither and die, often faster than you would expect. Note that matrices can play a good desirable role in a comp plan - the issue is whether the project will fail if the matrix stalls.

How do the Ponzi's work? 

They pay a lot to early referrers, and they pay early passive members attractively. They pay them from deposits made by new members and have little or nothing else funding the program. As soon as that flow dries up or starts to dry up, the owners shut down the program and run with the money. Note that the early referrers can do quite well, if they get their money out soon enough, so can some of the passive people. But... if they are not quick or if they are unlucky in their timing - quite frequent - they can lose a lot too. As to the rest who come in "late," they lose and the losses can be devastating. Another important side of these losses is that the money lost could have been used to build in something legit and durable. So, in effect, one can lose in TWO ways!

What is early or late in a Ponzi? No one knows! Lately there have been a number of Ponzi's that have closed down in a few short weeks! It's a big gamble at best, and a gamble that may make some some money with good luck all around. The nature of the Ponzi, however, is that most will lose their money, and the big promoters may also do serious damage to their credibility among their erstwhile friends. 

THAT is why I am so Ponzi-Phobic! I see some friends falling for these, and many have been or will be hurt. Don't do it. It makes a lot more sense - in my not always so humble, etc - to gamble less and put your money to work in more serious and durable projects.  

So what to do for those already ensnared by these "shiny objects" with such big impossible promises? 

Get your seed money out fast, then decide if you want to gamble more in or to build in stronger and more durable areas. Personally, I think there are ethical issues in building these loss machines due to the likely losses friends may suffer, so it is up to you whether you build or not. Me? I will not. Been there and done that, and don't like it.

Shall I name the scams? Shall I rain on these parties? No, I think not, not here, but look at the Red Flags list and make your judgment, your decision. Ask me if you like too, not that I know all of them.

Wealth Wagons! 

Now for the happy, relaxing times. These "wagons to wealth"provide you a relatively smooth ride to better and secure prosperity. Their strengths are the opposite of the Red Flags listed above. Of course, all these are real-world situations so the rules should not be rigid. All business, online or offline, entails risks - just like the rest of life. So there can be no guarantees.

Performance Difference?

Interestingly, the best of these real projects can out-perform - even put to shame! - the Ponzi's, even dramatically so. Take one of my TCC members, for example: he has quadrupled his account value - that's 4 X - in just 63 trading days, 100% passively, simply compounding earnings and referring exactly no one. Four Times! Okay. Or to get really radical but real, take my TCC sponsor: In just over 4 months she has made very close to a million usd. This is surely a Networking world record! In my case, 4.3 in outside BTC has earned over 68 in a bit over 3 months. And our withdrawals are reliable, real and fast. 

What Ponzi has ever delivered like this for a member? Answer: none.

Here we go.

Happy Wealth Wagon 1 - Trade Coin Club: I started my study of Trade Coin Club a few days before joining some 3 months ago. ALL my experience with TCC says Real Deal 100%. AND TCC passes and is, indeed, recommended by the most rigorous Due Diligence I have ever done in over 20 years of online experience, DD that I continue to do constantly even now. In short? 

TCC is the best, most real operation I have seen in 20 years of earning a living online.  TCC is SIMPLE:  They work entirely in Bitcoins: It's BTC in and BTC out - the right place to be, which adds profits via the rise of BTC.

TCC uses BTC to trade the top 10 crypto currencies of the day with their first of a kind, licensed autopilot robot trader. Passively: Join, purchase a trading contract package for as little as 0.03 BTC, earn passively from the

TCC trading robot 5 days per week, compound your earnings. This option requires less than 1 minute per week to reset your robot. Actively: Do the above and build a team of referrals, and you will earn from the most impressive - 6 part - comp plan I've seen. TCC pays well passively, it varies daily and generally somewhere around 1% per trading day, give or take. TCC's active members are making shocking incomes! I know one that is close to $1 million usd in 4 months. If you are a leader, this is the place to be. If you only earn passively, you can quadruple your deposit in around 63 days.

In a word, wow! It's flawless and long-term, very long term.

1. View our team page... Go here to learn about TCC:

2. Just do it...

Go here to join my TCC team:

Note that every high profile project like TCC will always attract negative "press," and TCC is no exception. The negatives I have seen are either ill-informed or dishonest in every case. My DD is reliable, and that's what I go by, and I suggest you not bother yourself with poorly informed or dishonest (hidden agenda) BS "review site" detractors - they only use these review sites to promote their own Ponzi Schemes!. I had meant to write to you about other good "wealth wagons," and there are a few. Wanted to get this to you now, however, so do please watch for more from me shortly.  You are sure to have questions and/or doubts. I am ready to help you before and after you join us

This article was published on 01.05.2017 by Gavin Johns
Author's business opportunity:

Trade Coin Club - cryptocurrency, Free to join

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