A little about me and my online activities...
Hi...I'm Colin from the UK. I am 58 years old and have been involved in internet/online marketing for some 6 years, on and off, whilst holding down a 'day job' but trying to make it into the 'big time', so to speak, in the world of online marketing. I have dabbled in this, that and the other over the years but the projects I've been involved in, have either folded for whatever reason or I just wasn't able to make them work. Then, of course, the day job gets in the way and/or I start trying to do too much online and end up doing nothing !! Anyway, over the last few months, I think I've learned more than in the previous 6 years due, mainly, to the people I've met online and it's not too much to say that some of these people, although I've not met most of them personally, I trust more than many I know in real life...yes...REALLY !!
So, a little about what I'm involved in. My interest now lies in what I've been looking for...although, of course, I didn't know this until about 15 months ago !! Forex Trading is now my focus and will continue to be. I thought it would be far too complicated for me to get my head around, but it really is for everyone...if you're prepared to invest a little time to learn. Some of my on-going results can be seen on my Facebook so, if you are in the slightest bit interested, give me a shout.
I hope you've enjoyed reading the above and I sincerely look forward to getting to know at least some of you in the future.
All the best in whatever business you're involved with,
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