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Hi there, 

My name is James Davidson and I am a young entrepreneur from Northern Ireland. A few years ago (2010 to be exact) I was told about this coin "Bitcoin" and how it was going to revolution online payments. I brushed it off as a "fools gold" coin but, after about two years I then started taking notice of it more and more. 

I wasn't in a position to buy Bitcoin and any that I did purchase I was selling on or trading with. I was maybe making around $20 per week (minimal, yes but stay with me) and used this as a kind of hobby. I was working a few jobs at the time and any spare time I had I was out socialising with friends. I never held on to it. 

A short time later, 2013, I became a father to two beautiful daughters, twins!! This was a reality crash for me as it was totally unexpected. A lot of bills coming in and not enough wages to match. 

I was now starting to think of other ways to make money and online kept springing to mind. I started trading the Bitcoin now as an income and was making a pretty decent amount each week until, someone scammed me and I lost £5,000 worth of Bitcoin and now Paypal was charging me £5,000 for the chargebacks. I was hit with a double blow!! 

In 2015 the girls where on their way to becoming 2 year old and I was expecting my third child, my little son. I wasn't working, my Bitcoin ventures had been ruined with the chargeback scam and I was now making around £150 per week trading crypto currencies online.

2016 arrived and I had 3 children and a minimal income. I found it extremely hard to get work offline and was struggling. Like most people where I live, you make ends meet and thats the norm. 

Around March a friend of mine introduced me to an online MLM company that was just coming to light for people outside of Poland. This was the first time I had ever heard about MLM and so, naturally I was intrigued. 

What is this? How does this work? I get paid for clicking a button? Surely this is a scam? This is too good to be true? Etc etc

I decided to go for it. I invested a small bit of money and I started to get involved. I was spreading the news to all my family and friends but, they all laughed it off as a big scam and that it would never work. I had done my research so I knew about it and what was happening and that it wasn't a scam. 

I was making 1% (give or take) per day on my investment and I seen it coming in everyday like clockwork so I decided to put some more in and some more and a little more. It was great. I was now making a nice bit of money and through it I had met a lot of wonderful people and programmes and fell in love with the whole thing.

I was making money at my online MLM programmes (and still am to this day) and I was back trading the crypto markets. Amazing, right?

Of course, but.....

Fast forward a few months into it, my friend again from Cork calls me and says, "James if you want to change your life get on this now". Like a fox on the hunt my ears pricked. I started to ask questions. The answers came. I was blown away!! I had to ask myself, "is this actually to good to be true?" but, I believe in my friend 100% and know that he wouldn't go near anything if he knew it was a scam or that it wasn't true.

I purchased a license.

Now, you are probably wondering what it is exactly I am on about. I am talking about Dascoin. 

What is Dascoin you say? I wont bore you or try to sell you. Instead, I will give you the vision.

Through my years of trading on the crypto markets I can see this vision and can see exactly where it is heading.  

Just a few weeks (1st April 2017) I was fortunate enough to be at the official Launch of the Dascoin minting. It was in the Dolder Grand Hotel, Zurich, Switzerland. It was beautiful, magical and something I will never ever forget. Here I was a year ago sitting wondering what was happening with my life and where it was going to now standing at this 5* Hotel overlooking the Swiss Alps in a Tuxedo with my beautiful girlfriend and the most amazing friends one could ask for. 

I met some amazing people and some of the people that came on board to work with Dascoin just blew my mind completely away. You can see here in the event summary booklet which, for any crypto enthusiasts like myself, has the white papers at the end of it. Just look at the names of the people and the companies who are working with Dascoin.

I would like to thank you for taking the time to read my story. I would love to hear from you and talk to you more about Dascoin and how its going to change peoples lives all over the world.

Thank you,

James :)

This article was published on 22.04.2017 by James Davidson
Author's business opportunity:

Dascoin - digital assets, Free to join

Member comments:

Paul Dolbear An inspirational story, James. It gave me a lift!  7 years ago
James Davidson Dascoin has its blockchain running already, its coins being minted, 6 second confirmation times (start to finish), KYC smart contracts, spend-ability in millions of stores worldwid  7 years ago

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