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12 rules to help you choose and succeed with network marketing opportunity

12 rules to help you choose and succeed with the best network marketing opportunity


I'm glad to see you here.

This document was TOP SECRET and I wrote it for my downline eyes only.

It's part of their training to success.

Why I released it?

So you'll know I know what I'm talking about and I want to recruit you in order to help you make money so I'll make more money.

It's the naked truth, I won't hide my purpose and you shouldn't do so yourself.

It's important to know what not and the why's (why doing that and why don't do that).

There is more to learn but most of the other things to learn are more fixing personal mistakes or ways of thinking.

This is what I consider to be the work of an up-line.

Guiding and preventing from falling into traps, others as well as you're own.

All of these rules are tested and keeping them in mind and following them will make your success easier.

No one can promise you success, because success depends mainly on your actions, thoughts and some luck.

More than that, if any one promises you success, you better run away.

There at least two reason why this person promises success:

1. This person is a scammer.

2. This person has no experience and no success.

Rule before rule number one:

You can learn all the best marketing methods out there, and you can have the greatest product on the planet, and you can have the best compensating compensation plan in the world and you can dominate all the technology there is and get updated with all of the above.

But if you won't do something you will get nothing.

So the rule before the rule number on is:


Rule number one:

Never try to sell to a person who don't want to buy what you are offering.

If you think he is wrong and still he won't buy it means you didn't create the correct situation or you didn’t ask the right question or you didn't presented the right value.

There a slight chance that you are the one who is wrong. Keep that in mind.

Rule number two:

In order to make your life easier never sell a person, let (make) him / her come to you urging to buy.

It's easier than you think. After all, people love to buy.

You don't thinks so? Look at all the malls, why people going there?

Are they really missing something at home or they just want to buy something that will make them feel good?

Now what are you selling?

Rule number three:

If your up-line gives you people to your organization, know they he / she isn't professional and you should find someone else to learn from.

It's always nice to get these kind of presents but it will create a group of lazy people who does nothing. When a group of people dose nothing you'll get nothing.

You want a group of people who does something in order to get a lot.

That's not the case with spillover, spillover is not controlled by your up-line.

It just shows you have a senior active partner.

It can't get any better than that.

Rule number four:

Binaries structure only seems easy, and they say you will get compensate for infinity, but its main purpose is to pay you less on the same work.

From some "mysterious" reason you get compensate only if your two "legs" are equal.

Or in a better situation you get compensate down to where it's equal and obviously you won't get compensate on the bigger organization.

Is this fair?

You built a big organization, why won't you compensate on it?

Why will you compensate on the smallest, less active, less producing that probably will continue to be that organization when you built a great one too.

The answer is to pay you less for as long as they can.

Rule number five:

Never sign in limited time offers.


Limited time offers are not about using leverage.

Network marketing is all about leverage, using the power of the net.

There about making you to work hard and give most of your money to the person who offers this "opportunity"

Compare a professional fishing boat including all its crew for fisherman with fishing rod, who will gain more?

You want to gain more. Use the net, use leverage.

How come limited time offers are bad?

Let's say you need to push a very big log, there are two options to do that:

the time limited is like take a 10 strong man and everyone will push as hard as they can and you'll probably be able to push it.

The unlimited time option takes unlimited amount of people, some strong, some has techniques and ideas, some good with organization where to put who and all of these unlimited people will work as one.

In which option it will be easier to push the log away?

Which group can continue pushing forever?

Got it?

That's why

Don't sign in to limited time offers.

Rule number six

That's not a have to but prefer.

Look for an opportunity without physical product or a product you can be 100% sure your client will another one in the next month and preferably forever.

You have to have a product. Real product otherwise it's pyramid scam.

Physical products need to transit to the customer, it means some of your gain being spent on delivery costs.

More than that it's more difficult to go worldwide.

If you have an endless knowledge you can send via mail or to a subscribers list on your website, or service like the telephone or internet service or lottery subion you found the right opportunity.

Rule number seven

Prefer not to be a salesman, a salesman have to have some inventory, samples and new clients to sell to, this may be great income but it can't be passive if you have to make sales in order to profit.

So if you want to retire someday, don't be a salesman.

Rule number eight

There no product that fits everybody.

So don't try to sell to everybody.

It's much better and will bring more results to concentrate on a specific group.

Choose one and stick to it.

After a while, when you already succeeding you can choose another group.

Rule number nine

Good opportunity "thinks" about YOU first.

What is better for you, especially if you are new to this business, hard to understand, hard to perform and hard to get compensate program or a program any one can understand, do and you get compensate immediately with no terms?

Off course the easy is preferable.

Go and get one, you'll probably succeed.

Rule number ten

Avoid scams, if it's too easy, do nothing earn millions stuff, it's a scam.

You have to invest money, time and work in order to earn money, especially a lot of money.

Rule number eleven

How to evaluate or how to define good opportunity from bad one?

The way I see it, the more your opportunity fits to these rules, the better it is.

If you want to have a big fat passive income and you understand this article, I urge you to connect with me to hear about what I consider to be the best opportunity in the world.

I do hope you'll choose to be rich with my help.

Contact me now

Guy Harduf – network marketing expert

Choaching to success

This article was published on 21.05.2018 by Guy Harduf
Author's business opportunity:

Shay - clever consuming club ltd - Israeli lottery subs, 45 USD to join

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