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Frequency - The Secret to Health and Wellness

The secret to health and wellness, emotional and trauma release, good energy, good sleep, physical and brain fitness, attracting abundance and raising consciousness in our selves and humanity all lies in frequency.

Due to the “unprecedented” events of the last few years, we all need help rising above the noise. I don’t know about you, but me personally, I needed a TON of help. 

There is so much information, misinformation, opinions, polarity and fear swirling around that it is hard to see straight let alone remain healthy, maintain mental wellbeing and keep our “shift” together right now.

Mid-span of these “unprecedented” times, I was introduced to a new modality that worked for me no matter what was going on in the outside world and no matter what was going on in my inside world.

I didn’t need to review my past to figure out where I went wrong or who did what to me. I didn’t need to make an appointment with a Doctor who is overworked and overstressed. I didn’t need to exercise for 8 hours a day or even change my eating habits. I didn’t have to create a morning ritual or meditate for 2 hours each day. It was easy, comprehensive and revolutionary, some say it is the wave of the future. AND It worked.

It worked fast! I was flabbergasted and speechless. Which is why I am writing this post. I want everyone to feel better NOW!

 So let’s begin..

I have been researching and studying alternative modalities since my mom passed from Ovarian Cancer in 1999. After watching her short, horrific 6 month journey with the disease, I vowed to learn as much as I could so my kids would not have to go through what I did with my mom. 

I became “that” person who tried all the things - potions, concoctions, detoxing, supplements, alternative nutrition, massage, acupressure, acupuncture, Reiki, energy medicine, Body Talk, affirmations. You name it, I have probably tried it multiple times. I have learned a LOT but two main points have stood out.

1. There is not one right way

2. Not all modalities work for everybody

It is important to find what works best for you and do that! Just to be clear, I don’t have any certifications, special degrees or awards on my shelf. I rely heavily on my intuition to guide me. My path of research has not been a straight line, it has many turns, curves and circle back arounds in it, and it will probably never end.

Healy works, frequency works! 

Is it time to empower yourself with Health and Wellness?

Follow me on FB and IG - @littlebitofparsley

This article was published on 25.05.2023 by Madena Parsley
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Healy - Frequency Device, Free to join

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