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one of those that motivated me during my early days in this industry was zig Ziggler. In one of his Trainings he suggested that motivation is like bathing, that it should be done everyday..

No doubt, constant motivation can enhance the productivity of an unproductive person. 

One way to increase your team's productivity is by motivating them. 

Just like everything else, we have our different abilities. You may be great at presentation but terrible at motivation, you may equally be great at recruiting but awkward in leadership. 

We have our different abilities.

One good thing in network marketing business is that we have members with different abilities that you can leverage on and that include motivation.

If you are not good at motivating your team members you can plug them in with a trusted team member or a trusted leader that is good at motivating people.

Sometimes too, you maybe good at motivating your team but you don't really have the time to do it, instead of leaving your members like that mostly the new members, you have to link them up with a trusted team member or leader. 

Team members tend to catch enthusiasm from other passionate people in the business. 

This isn't just a theory, it's something I've experimented in my team. 

There was a particular time in my business that I didn't have chance to keep my group active as it should be. 

During this period, I signed up few persons into my team and allowed them expecting them to move on with their business, to my amazement none of them did anything in the business. It was as if it wasn't their money that they used to register into the business.

I thought for a while and decided to try out the experiment.

During that period, I had an active member that was really active in the business. Alot of sign ups, excitement, motivation and energy was in his group so I decided to add one of those new members I registered to that group. 

After 4 days it was as if he was a different person. He picked up the group's energy and started building his business. 

When I noticed this, I added the second person to that same group and then the third, fourth and fifth all of them gradually started building the business.

I always know that enthusiasm is contagious but In this case it was magnificent. I never thought they will pick up their business readily like they did simply by plugging them to my active team member's group.

As straight forward as this may be, alot of people usually ignore this concept of motivating team members. 

This concept can be applied both in online or offline approach of building your network marketing business.

For example if you are building your business on WhatsApp

And you are not really active on the platform but you have a team member who is really active on the platform, you can plug your newly Registered member into the person's WhatsApp group. This may not only educate the new person, but it will equally motivate the person into action.

Also if you have a long distance downline who is building his or her business offline, you can decide to link the person to a trusted team member in that state or country whose team is very active.

These methods may not be necessary but it's very effective. 

I have been building my network marketing business Online now for years and this is one of the ways I use to motivate my team members by linking them up with an active member.

Apart from this method, below are others ways you can motivate y our team

1) BRING THEIR WHY TO THEIR CONSCIOUSNESS: people do things for a reason. Most people don't know why they do what they which makes them quit their target easily. When you are able to make each person in your team know his or her why, it gives the person internal motivation to keep driving his or her business.

2) RUN PROMOTION: it's always said that if you are not having fun in our industry then you are not doing it right. One of the ways you can create excitement in your team is by running promo. You can equally do give away where you give people something when they qualify. 

Here are other ideas on what you may want to do in your team when they qualify.

Have dinner with your team leaders, give out bags, purse, wallets or medal. You can give out some products or money. 

3) PUBLIC REGISTRATION : people will forget what you gave them but they won't forget how you made them felt. You can recognize people in your WhatsApp group, facebook page, YouTube channel or even in an event and saying nice words to edify them. This is usually huge.

4) STRATEGIES WITH THEM: one of the ways you can get your members into action is to strategies with them. Many people are not acting simply because they don't know what to do. 

Implement these few tips in your team and watch your members get into action.

Do you have any question or contribution to this topic? Which method do you use to motivate your team kindly share with us I'll like to hear from you.

This article was published on 16.12.2021 by Mac-Francis Ekpenyong
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