Are You Finding MLM Recruiting Hard to Do? There Is a Better Way!
There are a lot of great MLM companies with popular products, but making sales and recruiting is often frustrating for newbies and not so newbie alike. It always used to be for me, and I've tried many MLMs because I believed in the concept even though I was never very good at it.
Chasing friends and family seldom produces good results. Talking to strangers is stressful for most folks (it used to be for me), and even finding strangers who'll listen to your spiel can be a challenge.
It doesn't have to be that way. It's a whole lot easier when people come to you and ask to purchase your products or join your team.
Impossible, you say?
No, it's easy when you know how to attract people to you and you develop a relationship with them without trying to sell them anything. That's the whole premise behind Mentoring for Free. It changed my entire perspective when it came to building my current MLM business.
You see, people don't join MLM companies; they join people, leaders they want to be around and work with. When you build the relationship first, they'll want to know what you do for a living and whether what you do can work for them also. Once they know and like you, they'll want to join your team. They'll want to purchase products from you. You don't have to sell them on anything.
It may take a little longer to recruit each person, but you only have to build the relationship once. They won't jump ship or fail to perform like those you've recruited the hard way in the past. You don't have to be constantly recruiting to replace drop outs and deadwood.
If your company folds up down the road, as so many of them do, the people you've built relationships with will go with you to the next company. You see, the company won't matter to them; but you will.
So, now, you've recruited someone who will be loyal to you. The problem then becomes, how to train them to do what you are doing. That's where Mentoring for Free comes in. It doesn't matter what company you are in, MFF is generic training for any network marketing business, regardless of product or pay plan, and you can plug your new people right in to the coaching calls and training with no fear that they'll be spirited away to another company.
And the whole system is duplicatable. Your people will be able to plug their recruits in also, even if they don't yet feel confident to train their own team. This will free up a lot of your time in training their downlines.
And by promoting Mentoring for Free, you get qualified leads. People who already have an interest in network marketing and have downloaded and read "Success in 10 Steps" and have contacted you for more information. Your life as an MLMer becomes so-o-o much easier.
Read Mike Dlouhy's "Success in 10 Steps" to learn how. It's FREE and it will change your life, your business, and your relationships with others. You'll make more friends and build life-long relationships easily. Your MLM business will take off and grow sustainably.
Download the book NOW at:
My advice: Read the book twice. The second time through, write down your "WHY?" and email it to me via the link in the book. I'll call you with the details on the coaching calls. The coaching / mentoring is FREE. If you decide to go through Mike Dlouhy's Bootcamp and "Think and Grow Rich" training or promote Mentoring for Free to others, there is a small charge for hosting your website and advanced training, but that is optional, you won't be pressured to buy anything. The book alone, along with Mike's other ebook, "Color to Success" created a paradigm shift that changed my life. I wish I'd found them 20 years ago. They would have saved me a lot of money and time in building my various businesses.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Cory "Cimarron" Layne
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