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Launching 21-June-2017 : Cryptocurrency Education and Trading Opportunity

Just about to Launch - An Excellent Portal for Cryptocurrency Education

A brand new legitimate Network Marketing Opportunity has just pre-launched and is poised to take the world by storm. Anyone can take a free position to explore this opportunity and later become a paid member and earn from 5 fantastic streams - 2 of which are entirely passive (Potential of Earning Passively between 2kUSD to 8kUSD Passive - even if you don't recruit!!!).

You get to learn :-
1) How to Get started in Cryptocurrencies
2) How and where to get Cryptocurrencies safely
3) How and where to use it
4) How to store it safely
5) How and where to trade it
6) How and where to make very significant amounts of money from it
7) Excellent for Beginners and experienced people

Knowledge is Power. Applied Knowledge is even more powerful!

The FIAT Currencies (All Your Dollar Notes and Physical Coins) have intrinsic costs, controlled by third party, easily influenced by Politics, Take 2 days to almost a week to send across the globe and is inflationary. 

Cryptocurrencies on the other hand is DIGITAL MONEY that can be:-

- transferred at virtually very low fees to anyone
- transferred within milliseconds
- cannot be influenced by Governments or Politics
- zero inflation
- empowers trade even with the Bank less (50% of world population)
- can act as an Equity (Bitcoin is the only known asset to have appreciated more than 1million % over the years and is

Adoption of Cryptocurrencies over time versus Traditional Fiat Currencies

Cryptocurrencies are as revolutionary as how the internet revolutionized everything that we do. Its still at its infancy and yet has been proven so powerful that people like Bill Gates, Sir Richard Branson and Tony Fernandez and the likes are investing heavily in cryptocurrencies. Over time, as you can see, the adoption of cryptocurrencies as the preferred mode of transactions. The choice is in your hands to be an early adopter or a late bloomer. Usually "the early bird gets the best worms". 

A one stop center to learn everything about CRYPTOCURRENCIES including Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereums and others. This is the world of Digital Money - the future of "Transactions" using your mobile.

A very unique feature is that you will join in the Powerline and Automatically earn the Powerline Bonus(3% x 5 Levels per Month) as a residual income as long as you remain active. Second there is a Fast Start Bonus, Third - a Coded Infinity Bonus and very interestingly a 2x14 Matrix can earn even if you don't recruit. Added as the fifth bonus is the Matching bonus.

This opportunity presents you, a risk free opportunity to get involved early as it is still pre-launch and also it provides great value of Cryptocurrency education. Coupled with an excellent Powerline and Matrix bonus along with its other active bonuses in the compensation plan - its no wonder all the top networkers are grabbing this wonderful opportunity. Work with me and I shall guide you and help build this together.

Contact me at +60125877489 via whatsapp for more details. Get started by joining at my link:-

This article was published on 21.06.2017 by Amalan G
Author's business opportunity:

iCoinPro - Education Cryptocurr, Free to join

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