Ibuumerang is growing fast & you don't want to miss out on this opportunity!!!!
�Not sure if you've been following the progress of iBuumerang but it's nothing short of INCREDIBLE!
People on my team are REAPING the REWARDS$$$!!! �
➡️ I wanted to make sure you knew about some of the things that have been happening. In only 125 days since pre launch the company has aquired;
✅33,000+ TSA's
✅121,000+ customers
✅$8.5 Million in commissions paid out
✅10th fastest growing company in the. world.
More than likely you know exactly who the company Uber is and it's also likely you know that in just a few. short years they became a multi billion dollar company.
So how’d they do it?
People were invited to create FREE accounts so if the need arose to get from point A to point B they could just open the app or website and click a few buttons and book a ride for much cheaper then the cost of a taxi.
As word spread quickly about the savings and ease in which people could book a ride, people by the millions stared creating FREE accounts.
So my question is, how much money have you made from Uber growing to a multi billion dollar company?
None right?
What if you could become a part of a new company that’s modeling the same customer acquisition model as Uber and just like Uber, offers something for FREE to people who are already going to rent a car, already going to book a hotel, already going to go on a cruise, already going to book a flight ect. Would you be in?
What if you were compensated for your referral NOT when a customer spends money but when a customer saved money?
Follow me here…and prepare to get excited.
When customers use the Free travel booking engine we give them, they save money and as a TSA
Travel Saving Ambassadors get paid based on how much customers SAVE when they travel!
Our customer acquisition model requires "0" dollars in traditional advertising. We can, 100% of the time, get a new loyal customer cheaper than any company out there. Other companies are spending millions and millions of dollars in advertising.
We aren’t having to spend money to get customers. In almost every case we can offer a much deeper discount to all of our customers in the form of savings and because that customer was acquired at no cost, 50% of the savings goes to you as a referral commission.
Let me give you an example:
You give a family member or friend a code. They use that code to get their travel booking engine and they book their next vacation. They save $500 by booking with the site you gave them. You get paid $250 just for helping them save money on the vacation they was going to book anyway! No convincing. No “selling”. Just giving a free site!
The system allows you to create residual income on your phone. This is just one example of out of thousands of customers our company has already acquired. The part to understand is that we have team members building significant, secondary income streams by just helping people save money on things they were going to do anyway! You get paid to simply have people watch a video.
Did you get that? If not I’m going to give you another example…
Jerry mentions to you that he wants to take the family to Vegas for a weekend get away…
…You give Jerry a link to a back door pricing site and a FREE code to set up a private FREE account.
Jerryy goes into his account, does a comparison against all the other popular travel engines. He books the cheapest rates through your savings site & saves $1000. In this scenario, you would get paid $500 in savings commission based off of that one trip Jerry booked.
✅ What happens when you take an Uber philosophy and marry it with Amazon technology?
�"...history teaches us that the people who position themselves in front of major trends and opportunities before they happen can change theirs or their family's financial status significantly in very short periods of time."
5 months ago Holton Buggs revealed the ibüümerang brand to the world.
Since then, ibüümerang has been dominating network marketing records in numerous categories and the the company is still in pre-launch. They are set to launch live August 31st. Below is what the company has accomplished since its brand reveal pre-launch in mid-March:
Over 30,000 active Ambassadors
Over $10 million in commissions paid
Over 1,700 Ambassadors to be recognized at the upcoming Vision 2019 event
Over 215,000 servings of proper nutrition to severely under-nourished children
A community center and playground renovated in Colombia that serves over 4,000 children
Below, which is even more exciting isthe promotions and rank advancements represented by those two numbers above:
127 Sapphires
37 Rubies
18 Emeralds
17 Diamonds
3 Blue Diamonds
1 Presidential Diamond
Launched in March 2019, ibüümerang is becoming a global leader fast in the travel and direct selling industries. Iüümerang's mission is simple: Deliver good will in the form of travel savings and be rewarded with travel savings cash bonuses. Our vision is to create a consumer centric model that focuses on an exceptional customer journey and experience.
By creating a worldwide movement of TSAs, Iüümerang will empower people from all around the globe to live life to the fullest while earning a residual income that will leave a legacy to future generations.
➡️ iBuumerang is EXPLODING! ���
➡️ Informational Recorded Call Number: 646-653-1843
➡️ Visit the site below to sign up for this once in a lifetime opportunity;
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