Sharper Minds Plus
Everyday we fall short of the needed expectations such as gas, our utility bills. But this announcement pertains to our sanity. We are literally in a war for our minds. This is a fight we cannot lose.
Due to need, our production of food in this country is diminishing in favor of the quantity of food that we need to survive. The nutrients we take in is only a fraction of what it was 20 years ago. We are having to farm for double the capacity with little time to prepare the soil properly. Perhaps that is why the situations of Alzheimers, ADHD etc., has become a major problem.
People take food supplements for literally everything from Diabetes to Arthritis. It has become so rampant that corporations are being built on the concept that supplements would be needed to compensate for the nutrients you lose at the dinner table.
Additionally, the meat we eat is just as disturbed. Some of the meat we eat is packed with antibiotics. The cattle are fed with low priced grain. Very few are now dieting on grass and more healthy methods. It is all for saving money and nothing else.
Pesticides is also a concern. This effects all food products meat and agricultural. There quality is severely compromised and there is little desire to change this practice.
All of these issues, the agriculture, the meat production and the pesticides make the quality of what we eat drop considerably. In addition, the world are looking for us to export to other countries causing additional strain to our production.
This isn't the fault of the producers. They are trying to meet the demand that is required of them. There simply isn't enough months in the year for them to produce what they should properly. It is just the way it is.
So it is sometimes overstated issue here is we need supplements to make our bodies accept the nourishment as we need it.
Very few, if any, concentrates on the mind, exclusively. Sharper minds plus does just that. It nourishes the brain to combat these diseases and keep the mind sharp. Without the mind, you lose the independence you had before and you let others make your decisions for you.
Try Sharper Minds Plus for yourself and encourage friends and neighbors to do the same thing.
Barry Evans
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