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Learn This Skill And Never Worry About Money Again.


My name is Shawn Sproul and I would like to help you, because that is really my passion, helping others. I would like to tell you about my Journey I've experienced with online marketing over the past 12 years. If interested in hearing about it, read on.

My journey started a little over 12 years ago when I started working for a Marketing Firm as a Software Tester.

My job was to test websites, landing pages, mobile applications, etc. Over the first few years of seeing this, I wanted to expand my horizons and started building my own websites, and I started implementing the knowledge I had learned at my job. E-mail marketing, social media marketing, etc.

Over my years, I have been involved in MLM, Affiliate Marketing, and numerous other income opportunities selling products and services.

I have had some really nice successes and some failures. The falures werer due to picking companies that did not last. Although I have had some disappointments along the way, I never quit.

I did take a break for about 1.5 years due to my family circumstances, having children and needing to devote my time to my family and wife.

When I decided to get back online, I wanted to find an opportunity that would not take so much time marketing, recruiting and training. Then this opportunity fell in my lap, due to a previous connection I had in the MLM industry.

Mike sent me a message on Facebook around 10 months ago asking me if I was involved in Forex Trading. He said he had been trading for about 10 years with little success, as he was self taught, kept reading up on it, joining trading groups, etc. But he said he had not really found success until he was introduced to this company called iMarketsLive

The first thing I asked is was, if you have been trading for 10 years and not having success, why? I said; this seems like a very hard thing to be successful at then, because I know you are a very intelligent person, so what happened?

He said that his education was kind of all over the place and he was trying to learn as much as he could and never really focused on one trading style or technique. He also said he would get busy with life and use other so called Pro's signals and get burnt ever now and again.

So of course my next question was, what's changed, what's different with this opportunity you are trying to share with me now? And why do you think you are a successful trader now?

He answered; I don't consider myself successful yet, but I have been winning a whole lot more trades consistently than I ever have in the past, and I'm starting to actually make some descent money.

So I said sure, I'm interested, I'll take a look at it.

I had actually been looking into Forex Trading myself, because I had been seeing a lot of ads online for it, been hearing from others online it's a great way to build your wealth, if done right of course.

If you've made it this far, thank you for being interested in my story. Let's move forward to today.

Let's talk about why I'm posting this.

I have been trading now for about 8 months. Mike introduced me to it like 10 months ago, but it took me 2 months before I decided to get involved. Why?

Well, he invited me to a private Facebook Group where he was showing others these Pro Trading Tools and the Pro Trading Education he was receiving and was showing his results. So I sat back for a while and watched what was happening.

Every day I saw incredible results and I kept seeing more and more people join this private group. And many of them joined IML and started posting their results. I was very excited at what I was seeing.

So I joined IML and started demo trading, and did so for 2 months. I was having amazing success with the tools and training I was receiving, so i finally went live!

IML offers a refer 2 customers and then the TOOLS and TRAINING are FREE!

So I also spent my first 2 months referring others to IML so I could save money on the monthly investment cost. I was so happy when I reffered my 2 customers into IML in my first 2 weeks off getting started. I have have never looked back since.

IML keeps introducing new amazing tools, adding more value to the platform without raising costs!
This company is amazing and truly wants as many people in the world to succeed. It's refreshing!

It's really refreshing for 2 reasons. 

1. You can make money without having to refer a single person. (Make Money Trading)
2. You can make a life changing amout of money introducing others to IML. (Make Money Referring)

I did not set out on this Journey with IML to build a business, I set out on this Journey to learn how to trade so it could set me free financially.

So now I'm looking for People who are sick and tired of MLM, Gifting, Affiliate Marketing, etc. Tired of recruiting, recruiting and recruiting some more. Then having to train, train and train some more, every time you get a new referral like I was to make some money online.

I want to show you a better way, it's what all the banks do, it's what all the wealthiest people in the world do to make money.

Once you learn how to trade correctly in the Forex Markets, you are set for life!

FOREX stands for Foreign Currency Exchange. This is a 5.3 Trillion Dollar a day market. Wouldn't you like to get a peace of that money?

This company is amazing and I hope you come check them out. 

The company started around 5 years ago and is Debt Free and has been growing steadily until last year when the company saw exponential growth quickly, due to the success of their business plan. They are doing it right. It's growing because so many people are making money and wanting to share it with others.

 We created a Facebook Group where we are showing our results and sharing how we're doing.

Send me a message on Facebook asking for an invite!

You can click link BELOW to get a preview of our group and what we are doing!

#Forex #ForexTips #ForexTrading #ForexForDummies #ForexMadeEasy #ForexTools


You can take a look at the company who provides the tools and training we are using here:


If you join us, our group provides all the training and support you will ever need. It's above and beyond what iMarketsLive provides.

Tools we are using:

IML Academy: Pro Trading Training courses to learn how to become a professional trader.

: Online Live Training Sessions where you can learn trading from all the pros.

Swipe Trades: A mobile app that sends multiple Pro Traders trade signals to you. Then you just copy and paste the trade details into the MT4 Trading App, which is also on your smart phone, literally takes 1 minute to do. And BOOM, you're trading. We have one exceptional student, Trader Arnold who's made $400,000 in the last 14 months using the Swipe Trades app, here's his story when he reached $200,000 in 11 months.

Swing Trades: Receive a few trades weekly from the CEO of the company that have the potential to move the price a large amount. Moves more than 100 PIPs in one direction, which can make you a lot of money!

Harmonic Scanner: Tool Tracks all Currency Pairs and Alerts Users of Good trades to get into. (You have to see this tool in action)

Just recently launched, a Web Analyzer tool that looks at the market and alerts you on possible good trades liske the Harmonic scanner but uses different mathmatic algorithms to view trades. 

We just launched a Cryptocurrency web scanner to spot good trades associated with Cryptocurrencies.

A new tool about to lunch will be the Crypto Trades App, which will send signals to your smart phone.

This was the best decision I have ever made to become a customer of iMarketsLive!

Come join us, your bank account will thank you.

I know this was a lot of info, so great job and thank you for reading. If you would like to see live demonstrations of these apps, see results, etc.

Send me an email to (Put in Subject Line: Would Like info on IML)
Send me a Skype friend request at shawn.sproul (add IML Info in request)
You can send me a message on FB Messenger and I can invite you to our RESULTS group, so you can see first hand the results thousands are getting.

To your success,
Shawn P. Sproul
(816) 674-8275

If you are ready to get started now: Go here and become a customer and I will add you to our customer group on Facebook, where you will get access to so much more. 

This article was published on 03.07.2017 by Shawn Sproul
Author's business opportunity:

iMarketsLive - Forex Education, 195 USD to join

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