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Watch How To Have Videos Embeded In Your Emails - Now EVERY Businesses Is Client

One of the biggest issues people have is getting people to actually read their emails. Especially when most prefer to get information by video these days. Things just changed because NOW you can drop full on videos INSIDE your emails AND the customers can WATCH them IN the email! They've given us TWO options too, one with a TON of bonuses AND a discount (along with training you can see right on the page). You can see the first option at the link below:

==>See how the email game just got changed with video with this bundle

Even if YOU don't have an email list, these days EVERY business does and they'll gladly pay for things that can help their engagement and interaction with their OWN emails. You can start a full on email agency with this because NOBODY is doing it!

Works with all your Video content. Select video from your client’s YouTube, Dropbox, Vimeo…

[+] Choose from the built-in library of DFY Premium Quality Stock Videos or upload files directly from your desktop into Email Videos Pro…

[+] Detects the device and the email client to deliver the optimal version of the video, ensuring all viewers enjoy a high quality, engaging video experience.

[+] Detects whether the viewer is watching on a cellular, Wi-Fi or fixed network, and delivers the optimized video to provide the best quality user experience for all recipients.

[+] 500 Fully Editable STUNNING Video Templates In 100 Hottest Niches

[+] All the templates are pre-loaded with voice overs & content that hits customers in the right spot and skyrockets conversions, sales & profits

[+] Full-Control Of Your Video Email. Open video so your recipients can watch the full video with sound or insert URL to redirect them to a sales page, Opt-in page or whatever you want.

AND MORE! See the bundle at the top link or you can see just the front end below:

==>Watch the demo here now and get the full scoop on this new technology

This will NOT be available for much longer, especially the bundle, discount and bonuses at the top link. So don't wait.

This article was published on 08.09.2021 by Vijay Kumar
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DROPSHIPPING - making $10,000 per m, 67 USD to join

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