There is probably nothing worse that getting unfriended by a longtime bestie because you sent another message asking them to join your team.
I know because I have been unfriended, ghosted... you name it.
I was so frustrated because I was watching other people get results in my company and I could not figure out what I was doing wrong.
I was following the plan- making my list, going to trainings, posting in groups, friending people- and it wasn't working for me.
I needed help understanding how to get results in my business. Have you ever heard that saying, don't take advice from someone who is more broke than you?
Well I decided to find someone to provide advice for me that was having the success I wanted. Instead of just blindly following what I was seeing everyone else do- after all they weren't getting results either (and I knew it because they were not ranking or getting bigger checks).
I found a coach, his name is Adam, and he helped me to learn how to do the things with social media that would build my business:
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