More info about Mirror Trading International
Founded by Johann Steynberg CEO of South Africa in April 2019 Mirror Trading International (Pty) Ltd (MTI) is a registered company in South Africa (Registration Number: 2019/205570/07) with its head office situated at 43 Plein Street, Unit 1, Ground Floor, Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa.
MTI offers an investment opportunity Trading the Forex Market which is one of the largest Trading Markets with a global daily turnover estimated to exceed US$6.6 trillion.
Forex is traded Monday to Friday using Exclusive Advanced Artificial Intelligence Proprietary Trading Software with Bitcoin as Base Currency on the Brokers MetaTrader 4 (MT4) Trading Platform.
MTI has an exclusive licence agreement in place for the trading software/sophisticated algorithms. The trading software performs Hundreds of Micro-Trades Daily, trading the 28 major Forex Pairs, with a maximum drawdown of 8%.
MTI does not hold its members/investors bitcoin. All bitcoin invested is sent through to the broker.
The Broker provides MTI and other forex trading clients their world-wide platform to trade the markets. The broker gives MTI access, does not own the trading software and does not trade for MTI.
In terms of this trading software licence agreement MTI members are not permitted their own broker accounts.This restriction to not show the live trades to MTI members is in place to prevent MTI members copying trades with copier software on the Brokers MT4 platform and selling the trades/signals.This is stipulated in the licence agreement with the algorithm provider to protect their intellectual property.
Members receive daily trade statements in their backoffice which details all the days trades. Daily Trade Profit percentages are on the members/investors bitcoin balance in trade and not on a pegged USD value of their investment, providing a further window of opportunity. Daily Trade results are *not guaranteed. Based on Current Historic Data, members/investors are enjoying on average *0.4% per day Mon- Fri, which Automatically Compounds Daily in Trade, which equates to approximately *9% average growth on their Bitcoin Balance in Trade per month. Daily Compounded profits is one of the most powerful forces of Investing.
MTIs sustainable business model is designed for longevity. Only Daily Trade Profits are distributed, if there are no trade profits in a given day then there is no bitcoin distribution.
Members/investors full bitcoin investment goes into trade and is not subject to any Fixed Period/Lock-in/Lock Down period, members/investors have the freedom to withdraw in full or partially anytime between Sun to Fri (GMT+2). (Withdrawals are not available on Saturdays & Sunday mornings)
Members/Investors have the freedom to Top Up their investment at any time, their investment is not subject to any Membership/Subion Fees or any Deposit/Withdrawal Deductions/Fees/Penalties.
Newly appointed COO is South African Usher Bell, from the Cape, South Africa.
If you want to join please use the referral link
Joining is not subject to any Membership/Subion Fees. Join and top up your Bitcoin account within 7 days and start trading.
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