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The IMPOSSIBLE only exists when YOU allow it to be POSSIBLE!

Hello, and I hope all of you had a fun and safe Labor Day weekend!

After working in the background helping other companies create unique marketing strategies for new Network Marketing concepts, I decided it was time to lead from the front. Since my previous experience has always been the guy in the background, my willingness to sacrifice self-deprecation over personal accolades has ALWAYS created Honors and Awards for those I share knowledge with. Now, it's time to build my own platform and lead by example. This decision was predicated on this being my best work “by far” and I couldn’t fathom allowing someone else to take credit for this amazing opportunity!

Well, that’s enough rhetoric about me; let me explain how I can create a simple, realistic, and extremely affordable “pathway” to the American Dream over the course of SIX MONTHS for the MILLIONS of individuals wanting, needing, and expecting more out of life [than] what’s currently available to them. In order to have a more visual understanding of what I’m about to explain “PLEASE” grab a piece of paper and pen/pencil in order to write down the “answers” to the following questions:

1. How much money are you currently spending on financial monthly obligations?

2. How much money are you spending on disposable income?

3. How much money do you have left to save after all these expenses?

Are you currently spending over $100.00 of “disposable” income over the course of six months? Disposable income is money you spend outside paying your financial obligations [shopping, dining out, movies, grooming yourself, traveling, entertainment, donations, etc…]

Would you be willing to spend that same $100.00 over the course of six months [$50.00 down payment for the 1st month -plus- $10.00 monthly payments for 5 additional months = $100.00 for six months] to obtain a better quality of life. If so, you could be on your way to earning “Reward Points” to purchase “DISCOUNTED” products and services in our “VARIOUS MARKETPLACES” and earning “Bonus Bucks” towards home ownership, transportation needs, insurance needs, and travel & vacation destinations. *PLUS* earn Paying It Forward Benefits towards your new or existing business expenses, donate money to your favorite group, charity, or organizations, money for your IRA, pay off college tuition and student loans, money for your kids trust & education fund, or extra money to pay off your credit cards or other existing debt. If you was able to live the American Dream for $100.00 over the next six months, how much easier would your life be and how much MORE money would you be able to save and/or invest towards your future? 

Just look at what your DISPOSABLE INCOME created over the course of six months! This is the end result of what happens when a Network of members are willing to commit, unite, and share the wealth collectively. Each member in our Network MUST be willing and dedicated to doing the same thing, in the same time frame, and earning the same amount of “Reward Points” and “Bonus Bucks” over the course of six months. More importantly, you will be able to earn the same amount of “Reward Points” and “Bonus Bucks” EVERY six months by renewing your membership and paying the same membership fees each six months. And no, you will NOT have to refer extra members each six months you renew your membership because, the Network already exists and each members will be renewing their membership each six months, as well. This is how you recycle and distribute “PREPAID” wealth year after year! This is the same technique used by the rich and wealthy. You see how well it's working for them, don’t you? 

The goal is for each member in our Network to refer 3 members in 14 days. Yeah, this is when you say “I knew there had to be a catch in there somewhere”…lol. Remember, this is Network Marketing and it’s all about building a Network and sharing the wealth collectively. What about, if I gave you a 100% ABSOLUTELY FREE Marketing System to help you with your 3 personal referrals? This is the same Marketing System our PAID members use to refer their personal referrals. You are going to love this Marketing System, because you will NOT have to do any of the following:

Spend money on advertising

Create capture pages or solo ads

Waste valuable time prospecting all over town

Attend meetings/webinars

Leaving your home in order to refer new members 

I have enough confidence in my Marketing System [that] even if you have reservations about joining our Network of members right now, your mindset WILL change after seeing how the step-by-step directions allows you to sit back, relax, and let Technology do all the work for you! You will receive the Marketing System [via email] once a day and can opt-out if you are NOT satisfied. More importantly, I will NEVER contact you or ask you to join our Network of members again at a later date [or] give/sell your info as "AGED OR COLD" leads to others for financial gain [or] a marketing tool for referring new members.  


As always, thanks for reading and have a WONDERFUL day! 


I Got My 3 "Discounted Membership Products and Services" 

Click here to watch my 5 minute video

This article was published on 03.09.2018 by Barry D.
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