We see and hear about great opportunities each and every day, and there
are opportunities being made available in all faucets of life. Opportunities
to make money, to achieve a goal, to get the perfect soulmate, to get that
special car you have always wanted. To get that dream job that you have worked
so hard for. To achieve higher levels in life that seemed completely out of
reach. But because certain elements have re-aligned themselves we now have the
opportunity to excel.
Yet, have you ever taken the time to really look and understand what the word
"Opportunity" truly means?
I have pulled together various meanings of the word opportunity and framed a
workable definition that I understand. And since I am not a rocket scientist or
Rhode Scholar, I believe my definition is one that you will understand also. You
see for me to obtain the meaning to anything I don't mind telling you it has to
be defined in it's simplest form.
An opportunity is when certain things, situations, or conditions come together in
a way that makes it possible for me to achieve something that I want to do.
It could be attaining a simple goal that I couldn’t attain earlier.
It could be a position I previously wanted but could not have because I lacked
the credentials or knowledge to have the position. And then something occurs that
makes attaining the position possible because the requirements have changed.
It can be my desire to make extra money but because I lack the knowledge and
experience to achieve the extra money, it causes this goal to be out of my reach.
And then something occurs that not only makes the goal of extra cash possible. But
because situations, knowledge, and experience has been changed, my opportunity
to achieve the extra cash changes also.
And there have been many times when I was not looking for anything in particular,
and favorable conditions present themselves before me. I must look how the conditions
have presented themselves and decide if the opportunity is right for me based on my
own personal experiences, attitudes, understandings, and habits, to see if I should
take the step towards this new opportunity and grab it.
Believe it or not, it is said that real opportunities only come once in a lifetime.
But for me, I see and experience many opportunities daily. And it is not how many
come my way, it is do I have the insight to recognize the opportunities that are
right for me. This is where I struggled in the past.
I was seeing and accepting real opportunities and many of the ones that I accepted
were good but not good for me. Do you understand what I am saying? Many times I took
opportunities that I wanted to declare were scams, and some were. But what I found out
was a hard pill for me to swallow. I realized that it was not the fault of the opportunity,
I was my fault because I know me and I know exactly whether or not I am willing to
do all the work necessary to make the opportunity a success or a failure. And I
have spent a small fortune fooling myself into grabbing opportunities that I knew I was
not capable of doing because of my lack of experience.
There is a bottom line that we must follow if we ever plan to be successful online or
Off-line. Either we are going to commit and learn to do the work
necessary to achieve success or we are going to have to find opportunities that handle
and provide all the extra things needed to be successful.
If we are unwilling to do all the extra stuff, then, when we are exposed to opportunities
we must wisely choose the one's we know we can do.
If we are unwilling to learn how to write emails, copy and paste, or earn free credits
to help in our advertising, and unwilling to accept the learning curve necessary to
do certain opportunities, then we must find the opportunities that handle these things
for us.
Then once we lose our pride and be truthful with ourselves, we will find the
opportunities that will help us make the extra income we desire to make. And this
is one of the many keys to becoming an online success. The truth does make us free
if we are willing to accept the truth and move forward.
And as an example of an opportunity that does everything for you, the telling, the
selling, and all you have to do is invite people to visit your website, no emails to
write, and no talking to people unless you want to do so. I would like to invite you
to take a look at a real done for you program.
Just click the link below where is says, "CLICK HERE", and have a look for yourself.
This is an opportunity where all the hard conditions have been done for you.
And whether you join me here or not, you will see exactly what I am talking about in
relations to Opportunities.
Michael Harris
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