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95% of the work done for you DUPLICATABLE SYSTEM

Hello everybody I just want to share my personal story with you all before i talk about anything else I got into network marketing at the ripe age of 16 almost 17 years old I've been doing this for about a year now with a lot of failure prior to my successes now. By birth I was a athlete i was actually recruited to play division 1 baseball and Golf but turned both down to pursue my other god given talent building relationships with people and networking I'm a naturally extroverted person I love talking to people. I got into network marketing because one day I was at a softball tournament and I saw a really nice Mercedes with some weird sticker on it with a weird name on the side  turns out I was actually playing with the guy that drove the car with the weird sticker we got to talking more and he was telling me about network marketing and how it created the most millionaires and I was hooked right then. I ended up joining up with him in his business I was 16-17 years old at the time hosting my own home parties and signing up people like crazy I was 16 years old singing up people with 1300$ packs which is unheard of with no mentorship or anything like that I just had my passion and raw desire to help people and make money long story short I couldn't get duplication out of my team and I would only make a few thousand dollars I could never have any real success because nobody was motivated or had the same drive I did it was also a hard build. My uplinks ended up leaving that company for a different one and I ran with them it's pretty much the same story me singing people up but I couldn't get any duplication you know why? No one wants to do home parties anymore or spend 1300 dollars on packages anymore this is when my life changed I joined the mlm gateway website and after a few weeks I connected with a guy who would be today the biggest blessing to come into my life we both pitched each other our different companies and ended up not joining each other but he was experienced in the industry and I saw something in him that and I knew I had to keep him around to mentor me turns out he was taught everything he knows by the number 9th female network marketer and the 7th male network marketer  I was building my business in my company and my mentor (Taylor) told me to take a free tour of the business he was trying as well so I did it was completely free and in the first week of test driving the business I decided to join with him because I knew and trusted him and I saw the power of the system and why it was duplicatable. message me or reach me at this phone number 214-930-9489 if you want to be apart of a duplicatbale system where we can all win 

This article was published on 27.08.2016 by Will Love
Member comments:

Jabari Do I would like to know about the business  8 years ago
Deanna Rice I'm interested in knowing more   8 years ago

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