100% italian company is looking for sellers of its 100% natural products
For thousands of years, man has found in the olive tree a powerful ally to fight many deseases and troubles.
Our ancestors believed that the olive tree hid a secret because somehow it improved the health state of the people. And they were right: today thanks to the science and to the technologies, we know that olive leaves contain specific polyphenols; in particular, the most important is the Oleuropein who gives many benefits to our body.
Evergreen Life Products is a 100% italian company who produces many amazing products based on olive leaves that contains the highest concentrations of nature's most healing nutrients. The most famous product of the company is OLIFE, a pure infusion of olive leaves.
The properties and the benefits of olive leaves infusion are:
- Antioxidant action
- It can lower blood sugar (diabetes), bad cholesterol and blood pressure.
- It wipes out free radicals ( a molecular entity that can create many troubles to our body if not keep under control)
- Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties
- It is helpful also to fight some deseas such as gastroesophageal reflux, esophagitis and metabolic syndrome.
- It helps also to contrast osteoporosis and Alzheimer.
The infusion is completely non-toxic because it is a 100% natural product.
It hasn't side effects of any contraindications.
It is also Vegan ok and approved by the FDA.
Doctors and scientists have done many studies and experiments about the benefits of olive leaves.
You can find most of them on pubmed ( https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed).
For example, we can mention Dr. Fabio Firenzuoli, the director of the Center for Integrative Medicine AOU Careggi, said that many researches on olive leaves have shown that they are useful in lowering blood pressure.
Moreover all the components contained in the olive leaves improve the effectiveness of our insulin and they help to fight obesity and the metabolic syndrome.
All across Europe people are falling in love with this product.
Be among the first to bring Olife to the US and improve your health and financial destiny.
If you have any questions or doubts you can visit my page at http://www.evergreenlife.it/marcopesenti
or write an e-mail to benessere.fogliediolivo@gmail.com
You can also buy all the producs based on olive leaves at the link I wrote here above.
Best Regards,
Marco Pesenti
Ever Green Life Advisor
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