The Power Of Making Phone Calls To Your Prospects!
Hello, I hope you are well today, thanks for taking the time to read my business announcement today.
I want to speak with you about the importance of making phone calls and 3-way calls to your team or having someone do the 3-way calls for you. It's very important to pick up the phone and call your downline, I know in this day and age that we all are living in now, it seems that the way to go is to do everything behind a screen. Although I agree that there are actions that we should take daily online, we shouldn't limit ourselves to only that. As a matter of fact, using the phone to have conversations with your downline allows many powerful things to take place.
When you have a conversation with a prospect, it allows both parties to gain trust between one another, the prospect learns about you as a person and that trust start to build because now they can believe that you will have there best interest in mind and help them to succeed in the business that you are in. It also helps you as well because as a result of you learning about your prospect, this will help you to know what their needs are and how you can help them with your product/service. Also, this will help you to know if the person you are speaking with is a good fit for what you have or not. You can also use this as a way to gain referrals as well.
The power of 3-way calls.
The true benefit of making a 3-way call is tremendous, it allows your prospects to experience a conversation with someone in your company that is doing better than you, or at a higher level in the company than you are and that person can share information about the company and products/services better than you, plus this takes the weight off of your shoulders regarding the presentation. This is your chance to sit back and listen, it will also be helpful that you take notes as well so you can review them and use them later on in your marketing or even when you are speaking and following up with your prospects as well.
Additional Source Of Leadership.
This will come in handy because in any event when you are not available to answer a phone call or if your prospect has a question that you are unsure about, the fact that you have allowed your prospect to meet another leader in your company allows your prospects to not feel alone and that person can also turn to that leader for questions or for help as well.
It's all about helping each other, it's important to know as well that your goals in your business shouldn't be all about money, it really should be focused on helping other people, and getting their needs met through your company and the products/services that your company provides. The money will come! If you serve enough people the money will chase you!
**Thanks again for reading my post, if you are actively building your business and are looking for more people to join you or to be excited about what you have, I have a free source I would like to share with you. This source will not only keep people coming to your website and joining you but it will also add some additional income, that right now money that you can use daily. To get more information on this and how it works, click the link below.
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