How Any Network Marketer Can Get On Top Of The Leaderboard In As Little As 5 Day
How would you like to be on the leaderboard every month and crushing your business. Imagine learning simple and duplicatable skills that will have your upline amazed at your results. Hint - your upline is already doing this but just not telling you they are.
Luckily for you I am not in your company and I will share with you so you can have the success you deserve. Get an unlimited amount of leads without any rejection or having to convince them to buy or join. Find hot targeted people who will know down your door to sign up and buy your products.
We know social media is the way to grow your customer/rep pods. But how do we grow with out sending cold messages or spamming our links all over our profiles and groups we belong to. Trust me if you do this you will not make sales and will piss people off. That is not how to build a long term business.
Facebook groups are a great place to get leads but not like you see some marketers doing it. You know the spam groups. You need to join groups you have interest in and can provide value. Be an active member so people see you as someone who they could go to for advice, tips or suggestions.
They will likely go to your profile and check you out because people are nosey. So you will want to have a good profile picture of your face, your bio complete and one two links (none replicated website links) and photos that show you are a real person.
You need to be posting on your own profile 2 times a day. This will show them you are active. Nobody wants to work or buy from someone who is here today and gone tomorrow. So post 2 times a day.
Another good place to get noticed is on industry leaders fan pages. Post relevant comments and provide value to the pages too. These are great way to build your community and grow your tribe. Once you have a tribe of raving fans you will never worry about leads again. It is a great feeling to have in your business and your bank account will love you. Plus, it is free traffic and is scaleable.
These are just some of the tips you can learn in a FREE 5 Day Leads Challenge. If you are serious about your business you need to join our next challenge. Hurry because spots are limited and are first come and first served.
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