from plastic waste 2 oil
Help to clean the world from waste plastic and (l)earn.
Sign up for free --> from plastic waste 2 oil
This company has machines that can make oil from plastic waste. They sell the oil and give all the members the opportunity to benefit from the learning about and being involved in the solution.
We all are responsible for the pollution and sharing is a small act to help clean up the world.
1) become a follower, sharing is caring. earn free loyalty points (FLP) and change them to susnova tokens
2) become a supporter, buy a package, get FLP + 1). A starter package cost 256€. And herefore you get 13250 ISF (SusNova)
3) become an influencer, buy a licence, make your own team + 1) + 2). A licence cost 95
A short overview : FLP --> SusNova tokens (crypto) <-- Oil sales
When they sale the oil the susnova tokens are going to be more worth.
if you are interested. Please let me know or go find some information on the internet.
Can i do it allone ? NO. Can we do it all together ? YES.
We already have 4 machines in UZBEKISTAN , THAILAND, FINLAND and INDONESIE and we are building more and more. In the next few month a machine will be operational in BELGIUM !!! And there are coming more.
The more people the more machines will come.
Crypto communty world, Ecovo and Aplivo are our 3 platforms that we work with. We do zoom presentations. There are global events. You can qualify for stars.
Isn't his great !! We use something that no one can use anymore and we make something that everybody can use --> oil !!.
So everybody sign up for free , become a follower and help a little bit .
in the beginning there was the first generation machines and now they are at the fifth generation. The machines are getting better and better.
Thank you for reading this and hope we will meet soon somewhere in the world on an event or on the net.No comments yet