LETTER OF ASSISTANCE- the only woman I love is about to be killed
Dear Sir/ma,
I am ashamed for bothering you with my personal problem and I am very sorry for this. I am your fellow human being and I will truly appreciate that you make this letter private that is why I sent it to you privately.
I know this letter may sound funny, in fact, very funny to you. However, hear me out and don’t ignore my plea for help please. I truly mean everything you are about to read in this letter and I truly and urgently need your assistance.
Let me first say that if you are still searching for a mate, the LORD will answer your prayers and give you your heart desire, a good partner in due time but if you already have may your family be blessed.
My name is (withhold) and I am in my early 30s, you may call me a stranger to you, yes that’s true because you don’t know me before and I don’t know you too.
The reason I have decided to reach out to you with this letter without you knowing me before and I not knowing you before is as I have explained bellow, please bear my bogging.
I have never fallen in love with any woman since I turn adult nor have anyone fallen in love with me before. But 6 years ago, for the first time felled in love with someone and she loves me too and we plan to spend our lives together. Both of us are from a very poor background just trying to survive.
But now, we will be killed soon, what I mean is that she will soon be taken away from me because I could not afford to do the necessary things and get married to her after 6 years of knowing her, to me that is something more than killing us because we have become so attached to each other. I now have a 6 month ultimatum from her guidance to get married to her or they get her married to someone else she do not want to be with, if that happens she may die and without her I don’t know how to live well.
Because of this sir/ma, we have fought tireless wars as it were, so that we will not be separated. It is a miracle to me that she and I are still together till date and that convince us that the LORD truly wants us to achieve our goal together.
In one of those incidents, against her true wish, she was pressured to get married to someone else she don’t love. The wedding is being planned, a date has been chosen. However, because she does not truly love the man, something happened and they couldn’t go ahead with the plan. We truly love each other and needs assistance
Still that’s not all sir/ma.
As you read this, other men are still coming to ask her hands in marriage and this is putting too much of pressure on her and her guidance which led to the 6 months ultimatum they have given me, the truth is that I don’t have enough resources to prepare for the wedding before 6 months and that’s is why I need your help, if we are to be separated, that is something more than killing us, please help safe us sir/ma.
We have a spiritual goal we want to achieve together. While the other men that have been asking her hands in marriage are well to do, I am the one she truly loves and I love her so much, it is rare to see a woman like that this days where I come from and that is why I don’t want to lose her.
I took up a network marketing business which I was hoping will help, but after 3 years in it, I still earn nothing on it and she is not a school graduate yet. Imagine sir/ma, she has waited for me for 6 good years and we are getting older.
Though I myself did not go to school much but only finished elementary school, yet I have mind and passion for writing and am able to write digital books, I already written two and I am trying to sell my two personal authored digital books on internet to raise money but till now all effort have seem abortive, not even one have I sold.
The time I was given is fast running out 3 months only is left, and I am very sure that at this time, she will finally be forced against her wish, even she is tired of waiting. Please sir/ ma I am hereby shamefully begging for your assistance, I know it sounds funny as you don’t know me before, and it may be hard for you to help especially in this hard economy, and I understand you may have your own problems too.
I don’t know if this will work, but I have decided to act in faith following the advice Jesus gave in the bible (Mathew 7:7) That ‘I should ask and it will be given to me’. I need up to $3,000 before the next three months from now, but how to get it I don’t know.
So I decided to make a list of few people I never met before, and you are one of them sir/ma. Please may God touch your mind to help me.
I am sorry that am asking you this assistance, though you don’t know me nor have you met me before and maybe we will never meet; I am not asking you though to make free donation for me. I am not requesting you to lend me money either. I am pleading that you purchase any one of my digital books for $21. I will take it as a donation you made to help me.
I said earlier that I have two personal authored digital books, one on human relationship and the other on healthcare; I have been trying to sell these books online to raise money before the time I was given expires but have not sold even a copy all this while and just 3 months is left.
In the name of God, please do this favor for me. Don’t give me the money free, just use it to purchase any one of my $21 digital books either the one on “human relationship or the one on healthcare” and help us.
If you will like to assist us by purchasing any of the books; I have made it available for purchase in a free Google domain sites I use. Please follow the links bellow to purchase any of the books.
This is the direct link to purchase the human relationship book with the title; The Psychology of Influencing People For Good (though the book is excellent and educative) but I will view your purchase as a donation you made to assist me to get married.
Thank you in advance sir/ma
This is the link for the digital copy: the psychology of influencing people for good
The second book is a manual on natural herbal home remedies with the title MY FAMILY DOCTOR-with African healing herbs contain over 50 home remedies for over 50 diseases.
This is the link: https://sammyloaded4biz.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_29.html
You may choose to purchase any one among the two or the two books. I will view your purchase as a donation you made to assist me. Thank you.
Want to help, but don’t want to purchase the book? Donate for us using paypal? This is my paypal email: ihegbujahbu@gmail.com or send it direct to me on paypal.me/SIhegbu
Thank you for your understanding and gift of mercy.
Also if you are still searching, the LORD will answer your prayers and give you your heart desire, a good mate and the Lord will multiply your pocket, because “blessed is the hand that giveth”.
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