Teal Creek brings affordable nail wraps to affiliate marketing.
I've always enjoyed nail wraps and loved the simplicity and variety of the product. I just had not found a nail wrap that was both high quality and affordable. So, in 2018, I started looking for a nail wrap that everyone could afford. They had to be high quality nail polish wraps. They had to be PETA certified (no animal testing). There had to be a wide variety of designs and styles. They had to be durable and long lasting. Most of all they had to look like a professional manicure. I searched for several months. In July, 2018, I found several products that met my criteria and Teal Creek Nail Wraps was founded.
Our retail price point is only $5 and we offer free shipping on most products. $5 is affordable for everyone and the free shipping is just a bonus. We created a website and initially had only 34 styles available. Today we have over 250 different styles and designs. We do not publish a catalog because we want our designs to be fresh. A catalog is expensive to produce as well, so we simply use the website.
Having been in network marketing for many years, I also wanted to help others create their own businesses. With that I created an affiliate program for Teal Creek Nail Wraps. The affiliate program is free to join (https://tealcreek.ositracker.com/refer) and pays 20% on personal sales including the affiliate's own purchases. It also pays an additional 5% on level 2 sales with bonuses as we grow. As of the date of this article we have 164 affiliates.
Teal Creek also offers a wholesale program to retailers. The price point is still $5 retail and there is plenty of room for the retailer to make a profit. Retailers must contact me directly via email (tealcreek711@gmail.com) for information.
We feel that Teal Creek Nail Wraps and Affiliate program are some of the best in the business. Our inventory is always fresh and new designs and styles are added weekly. Check out our nail wraps at http://tealcreek.biz
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