Marketing and Online Presence
Markethive is an inbound marketing company which provides Global top of page advertising for any business you may be involved with. There is a suite of tools valued at over $2000 to achieve this Not limited to but including a state of the art Newsfeed, a blogging platform, very strict 2FA, Wallet, its own coin, its own Exchange (coming soon). This site is a social network for business related people and has a state of the art email system, Groups available to join for many and varied topics, advertising space and much more. There is a system to post to most of the social networks with one click.
There is the ability to connect with other members to market your business and exchange ideas. Each Sunday at 10am USA Mountain time there is an online meeting to discuss the previous week as well as up and coming happenings.
You can join as a free member. As a free member, you can at the moment, post in the newsfeed and check everything out. To take advantage of the suite of tools, crypto and more, there is an upgrade available. Upgraded members have the benefit of free banner impressions each month which can be used to upload and advertise globally. There is a ticket support system as well as Telegram. As an upgraded member, I can highly recommend this company for those who want an online presence.
Shortly a second upgrade opportunity will be made available which provides more than a free member but not quite as much as the major upgrade. Members who decide to take the main upgrade, will be provided with shares in the company. These shares are referred to as ILP. In effect, it is a loan to the company and more information on the ILP program is available upon joining. My link to join this great company is All built on the blockchain with better than average security.
If you would like further information let me know. Thank you for reading.