Young Living Essential Oils
Hello !!! My name is Brandi and I would love to introduce you to a company called Young Loving !! I am so in love with this company and the life it can offer. I’m a single mother of 3 and Young Living is giving me the opportunity to provide for my family without the struggle of living paycheck to paycheck. All I have to do is share my love for Young Living and get others to sign up amd become a member and possibly pursue a business venture of their own (completely optional)
We also offer a rewards program, in which you can get points from your purchases and then redeem them on more products for FREE !! You get 10% back to begin with, 20% after 3 months, and 25% after 24 months.
Don’t like Essential Oils?? There is SO much more to Young Living than Essential Oils. We have many different product lines that help incorporate all natural, non-toxic products into your everyday life. In fact, my favorite line is our Thieves Cleaning line.... I love that I can clean my house with products that are safe enough for my children to use. And there have been studies done showing that Thieves is actually better than clorox.
Does it cost money to join Young Living? Yes it does. We have kits ranging from $45 to $260. Your best deal is to purchase one of the Premium Starter Kits($165-$260). These kits include 12 Essential Oils and a diffuser of your choice and a few extras. Pursuing the business aspect of Young Living also requires you to purchase at least $100 of product each month..but trust me not hard to do when you love the products. Plus, can you start your own business for $1200 a year... not so much, but at Young Living you can.
If interested, please contact me and we can chat more, I would love to help you bring these everyday non-toxic products into your home. Join my team and receive $25 back on your starter kit purchase... making the Premium Starter Kits starting at $140... an awesome deal !!! You can contact me on here, at my email, on Instagram @happy.go.lucky.oils, or my website
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