What does YOUR future look like in this New Information Age Economy?
My name is Doug Leedy and I have a simple question for you...Do you have a plan to survive the tremendous change that is taking place in our economy?
Within the next decade advances in technology and robotics will automate over a million jobs...and it is set to wipe out BILLIONS of people's incomes and livelihoods across the globe. Now 10 years might seem like a lot of time, but it really isn't if you want to get AHEAD of the wave that's coming, and not get crushed by it.
So much can change in 10 years. Just look at the LAST 10 years for instance.
In that time we've seen computers and the internet explode into our lives, robots like Roomba come into our homes and now Artificial Intelligence is even giving us cars that drive themselves!
Isn't it crazy that a new "revolutionary" company like Uber, which currently provides over 4 million drivers with income, will cease to provide those jobs to human beings, utilizing AI instead. And Uber has only been around for...that's right, ten years.
There's a technology tornado that is whirling through our lives and sucking up anything it can get its hands on to replace people.
So ask yourself, can YOUR job be automated?
Travel agents wouldn't have thought so a decade ago...but here we are with sites like Kayak and Trip advisor replacing them. And that is true in hundreds of other industries and businesses. Legal services, customer care, finance, transportation, deliveries...and many more. But as is always the case, with adversity comes opportunity!
And now, RIGHT NOW!, we're at the very beginning of what is going to be the most significant economic shift that history has ever seen, even more impactful than the Industrial Revolution. And you know how much wealth THAT created! Just think of all the small companies that began to feed the auto industry, for example. How many of those owners became wealthy? That kind of future is available to you...IF you have the vision to see it! And it is available without needing a facility or employees or bosses or time cards or a big monetary investment! This is YOUR time!
Now...you have 2 options...
You can either ignore it and be panicked out of your skin when YOUR livelihood is threatened...OR you can be proactive and have a Life-Plan in place that avoids all that disruption.
One that THRIVES off the New Information Age and doesn't suffer because of it.
Come 2030 you'll you'll still be relevant and needed.
You won't be disposable, you'll be necessary!
So which is it going to be?
If it's option #1, I wish you the best of luck because you're going to need it. You'll be hit by the wave instead of being in front of it, riding it out smooth and easy. If it's option #2...stay right here.
For those of you brave and sensible and insightful enough to still be here...be proud of yourself! It takes some guts and lots of foresight to realize that where you are now isn't going to be good enough.
I was in that boat. I spent 45 years in real estate and thought I had a handle on retirement.
I had a good career, made good money in the good times and survived the bad ones.I was even on the Board of Directors of my local Board of Realtors.
On the surface I was set.
But then reality hit. I was just a glorified employee, not the independent business guy I thought I was. I hadn't seen the need for leveraged income that had other people providing income for me. I was a one-man-band and if I stopped working, my income stopped too.
It took retirement for me to seriously consider how to diversify my income
By that time I had to. By that time I needed my retirement pot to seriously fill up...and it was pretty much empty.
So I tried a number of alternative tactics and spent way too much time and money on them. And they mostly flopped. Even with my level of experience, I was left asking myself "what now"?
I was in a seriously sticky situation.
I sold my house in Ohio, moved to Florida and had almost nothing to show for my 45 years in real estate. I made a good living but I had no future.
But times have changed, technology has changed...and that has saved me!
I'm involved in one of the 3 necessities of life and arguably the greatest wealth-building industries in the world. Understand...Knowledge is Power!
A college degree is no longer required. Traditional education has failed us miserably in the past few decades. It has not adapted to this new economy. How many people do you know who have spent six figures on a college degree and are working in a Starbucks and living at home with their parents. Is that what YOU want?
I don't think so. So take a page out of my book. Adapt! Learn from my mistakes so you don't make the same ones I made. I got lucky. I made myself IMMUNE to the upcoming dangers of the Information Age. Instead of losing out to technology, I LEVERAGED it!
I'm not working for technology, technology is working for me! And if I can do that at the age of 70, you can too! According to economist, historian and author Harry Dent Jr, you now have an opportunity that only comes around once every 80-120 years! That's once in a lifetime folks...not once in a generation, but a LIFETIME!
Now I need to share this concept with others. I can't keep it to myself. I know what is coming and now I know how to help my kids and grandkids survive in an economy that is shifting from jobs to self-reliance. And I can help you too.
You know that traditional jobs are disappearing, as are good benefits and pensions. A restructuring is happening. This isn't fake news or media hype...it's in plain sight right before your very eyes. How many people have you heard say they are worried about how their kids or grands will be able to make a living? That's a real concern! You need a career that's going to survive and serve you for the rest of your life...and that's what I can show you! This is different, just like our economy is. And if you want this, you can have it too. The chance, the OPPORTUNITY, is there for you.
It isn't exactly MLM, but it has some of MLM's good components. It isn't hiring employees. It isn't renting office space. It isn't anything like that. It IS the best concept I've seen in my long career. It will never go out of fashion. It will never go out of fashion. It will never be unnecessary. People will ALWAYS need it. And people need to understand how money works so it works for them, they don't work for money. There will ALWAYS be a need for this business and this platform. https://shorter.app/4h6dO
Be smart! Prepare yourself for the future while you're young, DON'T wait until you're old like me.
Let's talk. I'll walk you through all this...How to set up and structure a business, entrepreneurship, how to use the tax code like the Big Boys do, How money works, how banks make money, all the various ways to invest in real estate, how to pay down installment debt (including STUDENT LOANS) in a third of the time saving tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands) of dollars in interest payments...and much more. Things you should have been taught in school...but weren't!
And you'll see how to find the tools you need to succeed.
For once, maybe for the first time in your whole life, the power will be in YOUR hands. This is potentially life-changing stuff. It isn't free, quick or easy. Worthwhile things usually aren't, but everything you need to succeed is here. Her are 100 examples of this https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLp6vWiHBhOsBiH9Eo32Z1T5RxIPilyrxx
Maybe this is for you, maybe it isn't. Let's find out. I look forward to speaking with you.
Doug Leedy