Receive donations of $125, $250, $500, $1000 & $2000 in time for Christmas
Crowdfunding is a great Peer to Peer resource for giving and receiving funds for everyday life expenses. Crowdfunding is a form of crowdsourcing and alternative finance
It's a way to raise funds without going to a bank and getting rejected as your credit score isn't high enough or you don’t earn enough. Also allows you to not have to rely on family and friends to help you out by giving you a loan.
Peer-to-peer lending is growing in popularity as is crowdfunding – just think how many JustGiving or GoFundMe campaigns you’ve seen in the last year. Facebook has got in on the act and they have a page you can do fundraising on. This is a great market changer and is on the cusp of changing the way people will raise funds in the future.
50/50 Crowdfunding takes this one step further. You receive funds directly to your account - this could be PayPal, bank account, bitcoin wallet etc. There are 3 steps to earning
1) Give - become an active donor (send your 2 donations)
2) Share - share this with others that could benefit
3) Receive - 6 donations will be paid direct to you
Repeat this as many times as you like!!
I truly believe this system will bring wealth to thousands of people across the world. Peer to Peer Crowdfunding is 100% legal.
This program knows no borders and we have approximately 6000 members in the company in around 90 countries right now.
Starting donation is $250 and you will receive $750. No products to sell. Simply giving and receiving with likeminded people. You help them, they help you. Simple way to make funds paid direct to your Paypal, Bitcoin wallet or Bank account
There are 5 different donation levels: $250, $500, $1000, $2000 & $4000 but remember you only put $250 out of pocket one time. You can move up to the $500 level with profit from the $250 level. You can move up to the $1000 level with profit from the $500 level. You move up to $2000 with profit from the $1000 and then you move up to the $4000 level with profit from the $2000. You are able to enter each level over and over again using your profits. How amazing is that?

Pay off debts, pay bills, pay for your family holiday, Raise money for Charity. Whatever you need funds for you can get!!
The philosophy is simple:
The only other cost that will be the only money the company keeps is a $29 (per 6 month) licence fee.
Please check out this 8 minute video for more information
Have a great day
Janet Brooks
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