Turn your shopping receipts into cash
Hi everyone! I would to share with you my testimony about what my online business (Elamant) has done for me. Am a wife, mother of 3 and teacher by profession. My husband and I has been through alot when it comes to finances. Yes one might ask how come I was struggling while am working?
It's possible especially in African societies, where extended family members are considered to be your responsibility when it comes to support. Meaning as much as am earning reasonable income, I still need to support my family members. That made my life to be more difficult, because every month I have to divide my salary and in the end I failed even to save.
This become a burden and gave me so much stress. I ended up have lot of debts, I denied my own children from having things they deserved. Until last year December when a friend introduced me to online business called elamant. I was so happy to find out that I can earn money just by submitting my shopping receipts. There was a promotion running and the day i found out about the business was also the last day of the promo.
I told my husband about it and we decided that I join immediately by subscribing with $99. I became a member and started collecting the receipts for the purchases we have made that very day until end of the month. Since that day when I made a decision to join elamant the online business my life changed instantly. I introduced my family and friends to this business and become a consultant earning weekly salary. Today my team has grown and I earn a weekly salary which is more than what i earn in a month at my usual work place.
With elamant I have managed to take back my little sister who dropped from university 2 years ago, due to funds. I have cleared all debts, took my children to better schools and am also able to help my extended family members without being stressed. Finally I can save, and all this happened because of my online business.
I bless the day I joined elamant and I can't thank God enough for giving me courage and the mind of not having any doubts about this business. I also thank my first 3 downliners for believing in me. We have found our elamant and we are unstoppable!
It's true what the say that you will never know unless you try. Now I enjoy traveling and booking hotels because every time I book a flight or hotel elamant a certain percent for my bills and reward me with data points.
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