A Monumental Scienfic Breakthrough in anti-aging and health and wellness
My name is Linda and I am relatively new to MLM, just starting my business 3 years ago, but I can tell you whether I make huge sums or money or not, I feel that I can help people to become healthier. My career has been in education for 30+ years and I love networking with people and teaching. My home based business allows me to do both.
When I was introduced to my products, I immediately "got " the impact that these category creating supplement(s) provide. My product is Protandim and it is scientifically proven to reduce the effect of oxidative stress by 40% in 30 days. What is oxidative stress you ask? Oxidative stress is the daily bombardment of free radicals on the body. This bombardment comes from the food we eat, the air we breathe and other environmental factors. This product is all natural and the reason it is category creating is that it is a Nrf2 synergizer. When taken once daily, it provides a pathway for the body to work at the most efficient level. It provides a way, to rid the body of the accumulated toxins and work at peak performance, no matter what age .
Just this week, the company, Lifevantage, has introduced a Nrf1 product that works as a powerhouse to provide cellular energy. As we age, the mitochondria in the cells start to dysfunction. With the dysfunction of the mitochondria comes breaking down of the cellular structure to allow weakened cells to be more susceptible to Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. Wow, these products are revolutionary! Everybody needs what we have! Now there are two products that can fight the effects of cellular aging and create a body that is healthier with ALL natural ingredients. There are no side effects to either product.
These are the two "flagship" products but there is also a skin- line with the benefits of Nrf2 that works from the "outside to the inside" , protecting the skin from sun damaging effects and giving the skin what I call a "youthful feeling".
For our Canine friends, there is a product called Canine Health, which does for dogs what Protandim does for humans, it reduces the oxidative stress level by 40% in 30 days. Dogs have more oxidative stress than humans because their noses are always on the ground sniffing.
I am so happy to be a part of this revolutionary industry and company. The company is on the NASDAQ which makes it a totally "see through" company with at least 8 patents and many peer reviewed studies from many Universities and agencies that deal with health related concerns.
My website is lindaljones.lifevantage.com and I invite you to take a look. My email address is ljones65810@yahoo.com I am so excited to be a part of a company that can change people's lives!No comments yet