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SFI is a marketing network with more than a million and a half members, created in 1998 by Gery Carson, who is currently the president of the company. SFI is associated with an online shop called TripleClicks. TripleClicks was created in 2009 and has over 5 million members. The SFI affiliate you will have your own virtual store with more than 90 thousand products and services, which you can earn a commission of 45% of each sale. The income is SFI affiliates come from profits generated on TripleClicks. TripleClicks also has a number of games in which you can win different kinds of prizes.

SFI has a great compensation plan with 6 ways to generate income.

Income Generation No. 1: Direct Commissions; each time an affiliate you've personally sponsored makes a purchase, you earn 45% commission on the value of the product also want VersaPoints. VersaPoints are points at the end of the month are converted into shares having a value in dollars.

Income Generation No. 2: SFI TripleClicks Executive Pool; provides a flow of simple, easy and lucrative income, all SFI affiliates can benefit every month. TripleClicks distributes 40% of monthly income between all members in the month accumulated an amount greater than 1500VersaPoints. As share the profits? For every VersaPoints you accumulate during the month, you will receive an action for the TripleClicks Executive Pool. The more VersaPoints have generated greater the profits you can get.

Income Generation No. 3: Commissions co-sponsored; co-sponsored SFI affiliates that are put in your downline. They are not affiliates you mean. Each affiliate in SFI has a sponsor and co-sponsor. Monthly SFI gives you at least two co-sponsored affiliates and your revibiras a gain of 15% of every purchase you make your co-sponsor !!

Income Generation No. 4: TCreditos Bono; the TCreditos is the currency of TripleClicks. The Tcreditos allow you to take many advantages and benefits in your store TripleClicks, and you can use them in many ways for your business. SFI affiliate you can receive up to 24 free TCReditos each month. Each TCredito has a value of $ 1.29

Income Generation No. 5: Referral Program CEPA O ECA; A strain is a trade that you associate your TripleClicks store, to sell their products and services completely free. You can associate businesses to sell their products in the store and your benefit TripleClicks 10% of total sales each relice CEPA.

Also you earn VersaPoints. ECA does not have to pay to sell their products simply SFI will take 15% of the sale of each product. If not sell, pay absolutely nothing, and has its products in front of more than 5 million members, potential customers can buy your products and services.

Income Generation No. 6: SFI Pay-Per-Action; SFI Pay-Per-Action PPA is a program that is optional, complementary, available to all members of SFI, which allows you to act as an advertiser and earn additional income by getting other people to perform simple actions, such as filling out forms. Each you see that an action is done you win a reward. The amount of the reward varies depending on the action taken. For every person who register with your affiliate link you win $ 10, but if you register an affiliate with your link PPP SFI earn $ 10 but that affiliate will not stand in your network.


1) No purchase requirement ever, you start earning income immediately make free and simple actions.

2) Six ways to generate income.

3) Rate for each type of compensation with a minimum of 1500 VersaPoints per month.

4) Generation of VersaPoints performing simple tasks, and with the purchase or sale of products and services. A huge 45% commission for each sale and part of 40% of profit sharing the TripleClicks Executive Pool, qualifying with a minimum of 1500 VersaPoints. More than 90 thousand products and services available in more than 160 countries. Fast short term compensation and great potential for long-term residual income. There are no limits on the amount you can win. Get your winnings in the currency of your country through PayoneerMastercad debit card, Paypal or check.

In SFI are 5 ranges that you can have as an affiliate. The minimum range we have generated 1500 VersaPoints. 1500 VersaPoints are an Executive Affiliate (EA), and are qualified to receive income from all sources of income. The following ranges are:

Affiliate Executive Bromce

Efiliado Executive Plata

Gold Executive Affiliate

Affiliate Executive Platinum

Affiliate Executive Diamond

These ranges you go getting your work and meeting certain requirements that you will know if you decide to register.

SFI is a real business opportunity that can work to generate a long-term residual income. It is the network marketing world's largest, with more than 18 years of existence. You can register completely free and receive um bonus up to $ 100 you have all the information in Spanish so you understand the operation, you can work and grow your business. Of course I wish you success !!

You can register at the following link and participate in the six great ways to generate income in SFI,

Or you can register at the following link and be a seller of 90000 products and services TripleClicks offers,

This article was published on 10.09.2016 by Raul Rivera
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