12 Reasons Why Making Money with We Share Success is a No-Brainer (Part 2)
Last week I talked about the first 6 reasons, why We Share Success has the best longterm Money Making Opportunity out there.
Now let's continue with the last 6 reasons:
7. Unlike many other affiliate programs, WeShareSuccess pays through the Rainbow Currency Foundation (a non-profit company of Unicorn Network), its affiliates optionally also in the Rainbow Currency crypto currency, which gains in value over time. Rainbow Currency allows you to spend your money without the waiting time and transaction costs normally associated with Fiat or other crypto currencies. In addition, you will receive a discount of up to 30% if you buy products or services with "Twinkles" (lowest value of Rainbow Currency traded on a stock exchange). These rainbow currency features make the currency very popular and thus increase their demand while reducing their supply to the market, as their owners would prefer to spend it within the SafeZone to get discounts and save transaction costs and waiting times. The higher the demand, the lower the supply of Rainbow Currency, resulting in incredibly low Twinkle prices on the market, as many potential Twinkle buyers want to buy the coins from fewer Twinkle sellers. These market forces will lead to a significant increase in the value of Twinkle on the market and thus benefit those who store their assets in the form of Rainbow Currency.
8. Unlike many other affiliate programs, you can earn (non-affiliate) income through your own activities within SafeZone. Every day you get the opportunity to surf the websites included in SafeZone and earn Twinkles for free. Your activities in the SafeZone are also rewarded with "DealPoints", which you can use to shop for free in the "Free Shopping Club". There are products like Cashback Marketing where you can buy Cashback Marketing Units (at least $30) and then give them to Unicorn Network so that they can be used by experts to market Unicorn Network businesses. In return you receive a profit sharing of up to 200% within only 6 months. You can also sell your Cashback Marketing Units at any time instead of waiting until 6 months have passed as the units are hosted in the blockchain. More ways to generate commissions from your own purchases of products or services within SafeZone are in the pipeline. Currently, existing and new members, companies and artists have the opportunity to join the SafeZone for free to receive free Twinkles through the Rainbow Currency "Airdrop Campaign".
9. Unlike many other affiliate programs that delegate the responsibility for training new members to their advertisers / uploaders, Unicorn Network offers a variety of ways to train its members directly from the Unicorn network and provide individual support. You can contact the company via email, through social groups created for this purpose, and through country managers working for Unicorn Network members in their countries. So affiliates don't get lost even if their inviters aren't active for some reason.
10. Unlike many other affiliate programs, WeShareSuccess is receptive to members' ideas. Through Unicorn Network, there are many ways for members to share their views and contribute, such as through forums or through the Unicorn Network Think Tank ("How To Make It Perfect"), where members are rewarded for their ideas to improve and grow the Unicorn Network. You can make a fortune if you have a great idea that hasn't been developed in Unicorn Network yet.
11. Unlike many other affiliate programs, Unicorn Network offers its members the opportunity to become co-founders of new subsidiaries created within Unicorn Network, as was the case with WeShareSuccess Inc. or the Rainbow Currency Foundation. Existing and new members will receive a special deal to promote the new company and to acquire stakes in the subsidiary that will pay off when it goes public.
12. And last but not least unlike many other commissionable options, you can transfer your portfolio of affiliate businesses from the Unicorn Network to your heirs. This makes your efforts to build a team worthwhile and makes this source of income much better compared to other sources that dry up immediately if you become unable to work, retire or die.
In the WSS Commission Plan you will find different ways to earn affiliate commissions within the SafeZone.
Next time I will explain the WSS Commission Plan for you. It will be very exciting and promising.
If you can't hold it any longer and already want to join for FREE just hit the Link below:
You can contact me here for free as well: bizopps2018@gmail.com (Please no spam/scam stuff!)
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