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Live Your Best Life through Natural Medicines

It was in December 2014 when I started my journey of looking for natural medicine and a lifestyle change from chemicals and toxins in the home to all plant-based products. After months of research, I kept coming back to Essential Oils and how the blood life of a plant offers so much health without the compounds of added synthetics and chemicals. I began my lifelong challenge of changing out all my chemical filled in-home products to pure and natural plant-based products with Young Living’s essential oils, supplements and everyday household products.   I am one of many who was searching for answers.  I knew there had to be options for our health that were effective , safe, simple, and easy to share with my friends who were also searching .  

What I found in Young Living was so  much more than I ever bargained for.  Energy, vibrance, safe products, radiant skin, convenient solutions, and a community of people who empowered to make changes.   In May 2018 my husband was diagnosed with Glioblastoma Brain Cancer, Stage 4. His body rejected Chemotherapy (not complaining about this at all!) and I turned to essential oils and supplements to support his battle through this monster of a disease! The doctors are simply amazed that he is still here and doing so GREAT! We have 10 MRI scans that show no signs of tumors and no signs of inflammation and even scar tissue has diminished from his brain surgery! Without the research, the essential oils and these plant-based supplements, I have no doubt that he would not be here with us today. I/we are grateful and thankful for these life-altering, natural medicines. It is now my mission to bring these into every household so they too can obtain this natural life-style change to bring health and wellness in abundance to their life and the lives of their family!  I am in no way saying that he is cured BUT I am saying is through these products, my husband now has longevity and quality of life.   

We are always ready to grab hands as you pursue physical, emotional, spiritual, and financial freedom.   Join me and find YOUR answers!   Visit my website here;

I am here to guide you all the way through your journey and beyond.  Essential oils and plant-based supplements have given me and my family the gift of life and we in turn want to share that experience with you.  

Please comment and reach out to me so I can get you started on a journey of a lifetime of health and wellness!  

This article was published on 03.04.2020 by Lori Rosenbarker
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Young Living - Health, 165 USD to join

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