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four corners alliance

This is how you can make $500,000+ in 6 months.

Step 1. Join Four Corners Alliance Group for only a one-time payment of $18

2. Invite 4 friends

3. Help them refer 4 people

4. They duplicate process 6 times

5. You Earn $559,824

Month 1: You invite 4 people you earn $16. Your work is done

Month 2. Those 4 invite 4 people= 16 people, you earn $64

Month 3. Those 16 sign-up 4 people= 64 people, you earn $640

Month 4. Those 64 sign-up 4 people= 256 people, you earn $6,144

Month 5. Those 256 sign up 4 people= 1,024 people, you earn $61,440

Month 6. Those 1,024 sign up 4 people= 4,096 people,you earn $491,20

A total of $559,824

And all you did was pay $18 and invited only 4 people in your first month and helped them get 4 and you were done.

You also earn monthly residual income of up to 76k per month, plus 100% matching commissions from everybody you directly refer. As your 4 sign-ups earn $559,824, you get 100% matching, meaning you earn 4x559k= over 2.2 mill.

Do you know an easier, faster and more affordable way to earn over $500,000? Only having to sign up 4 people?

Create wealth for your family, never have to work again, get the whole family involved. this is an amazing opportunity. And it's so simple. Sign up 4 people and your work is done. How easy is that.

The products that 4 corners sell is a set of Financial Education Literacy which is downloadable in your back office. This is an automated system, it will sell the products for you once you invite 4 people. All you have to do is sit back and relax.

Also in your backoffice you can keep track of your earnings and view your team's growth using the genealogy. Also great Customer Support from the company and in the backoffice is where corporate post news and updates.

Why is 4 corners so successful? because every can afford $18 and everybody knows 4 people and it's simple with no work to do after signing up only 4 people and making sure youhelp them get 4 of their own. To join click

Life is not all about making money, but let's discuss this effectively, ladies and gentlemen.

Carrier guidance, keep learning, you don't know everything my friend or ok guide everyone else but make sure you are open minded because a closed mind can never be alright!

I've watched educated and responsible people losing credit by commenting on things they don't know, and proving very wrong, especially about network marketing and making money.

Most people think that what they know is the only true thing, the only real thing, the only legal thing, and probably it's the only way of life!

While at campus, our personalities were put to test in a course unit "personality" in psychology and psychiatry studies.

I tried so much to change myself so that I be an open minded person in my life because it was a very good personality trait I was learning.

When I checked where I come from and the economic situation in the country, I figured out I had a lot of things to achieve and a lot of people to help. This determined my next move in living my life accordingly from then.

To make the whole story short, I ended up learning slowly by slowly how to make money online and network marketing meanwhile even then, my close friends didn't think I was serious leaving my profession and hustling on the computer for such things unknown. That's when social media was only known for pornography and my Christian friends, some up to now may not like seeing me busy on Facebook they get freaked out thinking I am getting spoilt. I may, or I may not. It's a choice to make, but I had actually seen a goldmine in social networking, building teams and later, leveraging cash out of my networks. I didn't go to school for this, my plan was already to go for masters in public health and along the way I was enrolled in Manchester Metropolitan University for my carrier, even when I had no money for school fees. We all know how much we struggle with school fees, and spend a lot of time in school even if we know it's a very bad deal, I did too, by myself even when I already saw my calling in networking. I made the money in network marketing, and spent it at school while helping my people in school too.

I have been growing in the field of network marketing because that's the field where anyone learns for free on their own and there's plenty to learn and lots of resources and resourceful people all available to help anyone ready!

But, the reality is that about 99% of every population in any country say NETWORK MARKETING IS PYRAMID SCHEMES/ PONZI, while those who know that not everything is a scam, and probably know of some good network Marketing companies will most probably still say is not easy, or that they say they can't SELL, they also say can't TALK, they say they are too busy-no TIME, they say it doesn't WORK, and some say 'you work for the people on TOP'. Well may be there was something like that but hey, who said that everything is the same without even checking any thing about it? Really?

The same people studied and invested a lot of money, some even borrowed money to study just to get a job that doesn't guarantee their HAPPINESS for the next 35 years of their life time......THAT'S EASY,they sell their life, talents, skills and their time to the highest bidder at the expense of their family and friends, but they say they can't SELL, they gist in the office, they talk about their bosses, they gossip about their neighbours, talk about sport, and complain about the government/politics, even when they don't get recognized by these........ YET THEY 'CANT TALK'!

They invest 8hrs a day for 5days in a week, through 52weeks and for about 35years at a job where they retire broke and weak. By the way, there are some 87360hrs of unproductive tasks and tension relieving rather goal achieving activities over all the weekends of the 35years and people ARE BUSY.......NO TIME. They see, read and hear about successful LEADERS in NETWORK MARKETING INDUSTRY who achieved not just financial freedom but residual through building their businesses within 4-5years with less than 40hrs a week and yet have enough time to do many important things in their life, plus still able to help as many other people as possible......but they still won't give it a try while they are still able. In their world they work like an elephant, we all know how people can surely mean to be busy with their jobs, while their executives work less but take all the benefits and credits! 

Network marketing is not easy at the start, someone asked me "but it's like a real job! How will I handle it while I have another job?" Remember the beauty of this is that you earn multiple income out of a single effect and you get richer by enriching others. While we try to call some of our friends and family, they call us scammers, someone lost my long built respect for him when he asked me on Facebook "do you also do those things?" He added that Christians shouldn't do them and that he was very disappointed, and he was responding on my wall post about four corners Alliance Group, a Financial Education company where people pay only $18 one time from their pockets for financial education, and possibility of making a huge income if one decided to recommend this company or its services to others! Mere $18! Yeah I know, maybe he had lost some money before to something online, but where are the people who are calm in mind and body to learn from previous mistakes, and embrace change, learn about new things not necessarily by trying them?

BTW I lost money too before in different businesses including the time my Irish potatoes failed to get market and they rotted in my store, some which I supplied and people failed to pay, I lost money in other deals that went bad, even to some online scams they got lost in thin air before I learnt about the real way to make money online. So, business has profits and losses, right? As if that's what I was taught in school? Why won't we appreciate losses if we want to be business people anyway?

Have I ever told you that in real network marketing, there are no losses by the way? It's as simple as this: look for a company that will give you value for your money the moment you pay your money to them there and then, and leverage profits on their system. Simple!

That's how I made money between 2010 to 2013 before losing some of it in 2014 and 2015 before I had good financial education which I finally got in 2015 from four corners alliance group and started a journey that will propel me to heights.

That time when I made money, most people didn't understand how I did it because they way they know to make money, it's very impossible to do what I had done by then. Some think I am lucky, others said I seem to be going under the water lol while others think I was working in some government project and u swindled funds hahaha.

I worked very hard, moved everywhere showing people network marketing and grew a very huge following of new people who were ready to learn. We lacked financial education, but we made some money. We lost some of it too, just like everyone always loses money if they don't know how to hold on to it, or nay be that how money is. Let me show you other people who lacked financial literacy and things turned bad on them.  

In 1923, nine of the wealthiest people in the world met at Chicago's Edge Water Beach Hotel.

Their combined wealth, it is estimated, exceeded the wealth of the Government of the United States at that time. These men certainly knew how to make a living and accumulate wealth. Attending the meeting were the following men:

1. The president of the largest steel company,

2. The president of the largest utility company,

3. The president of the largest gas company,

4. The president of the New York Stock Exchange,

5. The president of the Bank of International Settlements,

6. The greatest wheat speculator,

7. The greatest bear on Wall Street,

8. The head of the World's greatest monopoly &

9. A member of President Harding's cabinet.

That's a pretty impressive line-up of people by anyone's yardstick.

25 years later, where were those nine industrial giants?

Let’s examine what happened to them 25 years later. 

1. The President of the then largest steel company (Bethlehem Steel Corp), Charles M Schwab, lived on borrowed capital for five years before he died bankrupt.

2. The President of the then largest gas company, Howard Hubson, went insane.

3. One of the greatest commodity traders (Wheat Speculator), Arthur Cutten, died insolvent.

4. The then President of the New York Stock Exchange, Richard Whitney, was sent to jail.

5. The member of the US President’s Cabinet (the member of President Harding's cabinet), Albert Fall, was pardoned from jail just to be able to go home and die in peace.

6. The greatest “bear” on Wall Street, Jesse Livermore committed suicide.

7. The President of the then world’s greatest monopoly, Ivar Krueger, committed suicide.

8. The President of the Bank of International Settlement, Leon Fraser, committed Suicide.

9. The president of the largest utility company, Samuel Insull, died penniless.

What they forgot was how to "make" life while they got busy making money!

Money in itself is not evil; it provides food for the hungry,medicine for the sick, clothes for the needy. Money is only a medium of exchange.

We need two kinds of education:

a) One that teaches us how to make a living,


B-) One that teaches us how to live.

Network Marketing gives you enough time to achieve both.

Right now I am away from my home, actually away from my country for a week or 2 and I hustle a lot to train others and guide them to see what I see.

Many don't understand "these things" and I have also learnt a lot along the way, but I have left a big impact in my world in what I chat on Facebook and whatsapp, wherever I meet people physically and may be it's not me to enjoy the sweetness of this vocation of network marketing because I am among the pioneers in my world trying to hustle to let my people open eye and see how to also gap into this unlimited wealth and have enough time for everything else that matters.

A big percentage of my people are scared to 'risk' to join even when there is no risk at all, even when some of these opportunities require not much time, not even 30 minutes Daily!

Just click and join

This article was published on 03.03.2016 by Clara Uchenna
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