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Not MLM and Network Marketing - How?

When I first started out in Network Marketing, I couldn't understand how people could make money with this, what where they actually selling, what was their product, I watched lots of Entrepreneur Videos and then I came across "NOT MLM" it was the name that drew my attention first, piqued my curiosity and I am glad it did, LIGHT BULB MOMENT! 

It's free to create  an account with "NOT MLM", lots of Network Marketing Training available in the Members area if you wanted to pursue a career in Network Marketing and the  beauty of it is, it's not just a load of videos telling you what your mindset should be or how to think positive thoughts and positive things will happen, NO! The training is about taking ACTION and how to take action and what you actually need to do, step by step instructions in making it Big in Network Marketing.

Want to see for yourself, then just watch this No Obligation Short Video

So why is it called NOT MLM, because it is exactly that, it is NOT MLM, this is not multi level marketing, this is about a membership that enables you to sell products that other Marketers need and want and in return you get 100% commissions, profits, whatever you want to call it, how is that possible I hear you say, what company in their right mind would give 100% commissions and how could a Company make money that way?

Easy Peasy, the Business makes its money from the Monthly Membership you pay to it and you make your money from the Marketing Poducts And Membership that you sell.

If you are involved in Facebook, then you will find a great little freebie in there, just by creating an account with Me, this freebie enables you to max out your Friends, that's 5000 people, that's 5000 Active Marketers or 5000 people specific to your Business, it's up to you, we show you how and we give you the tools to make it happen and don't worry about being put in to FB Jail for adding too many Freinds at once, because that is the beauty of this tool, you will not be penalised by FB.

Would you like a Light Bulb Moment too, then watch the video and if you have any questions or want to know more about what I do and how it works for me, then please feel free to give me a shout, I don't bite and would love to help you on to the Road of Financial Freedom.

This article was published on 06.05.2018 by Jacklee Croombes
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Not MLM - Network Marketing, Free to join

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