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Webtalk will revolutionize the way we use social media.

Webtalk is a free to join social media. With a twist. 

They give 50% of all revenue back to the members. And another 10% to charity. 

A revolutionary new ad rewards pool, fills with 50% of all ad revenue, and is up for grabs for everyone. . By awarding points for all engagement. Points redeemable for cash from the ad pool. Instantly monetizing your profile .  100% of the people who signed up to earn on Webtalk are earning


Get matching points from all direct referrals for ever. 


5 levels mlm for life will be awarded to the first 1 million members who either spend $200 on pro upgrades or have referrals who spend up to $200 on the platform.

Why would anyone want to upgrade?

They will be adding all of same features that facebook has. Like Marketplace, Job searches, Travel plans, swag shop, and Ad buying. All of which gives commissions % if a referral uses any of them.

I believe Webtalk will change the world. Any network marketer New or Experienced will be able to grow a network on Webtalk.

How does Webtalk pay?

Quite a few ways. 

1. Engagement. You engaging with others earns you points. As well as you posts getting engagements.

Your referrals earn you matching points for thier engagement as well.

2. Upgrades. If a referral upgrades from a free to a pro account they give 10% commissions. Upgrading removes most ads and gives spotlight posts, which get more engagement. Pro and pro platinum have a couple other features also but these are the ones I find to be most valuable.

Coming soon ways

Marketplace, swagshop, travel, paid ads will all give commissions.

On top of all that it's mlm up to 5 levels down. Thats one feature from upgrading. As a bonus 1 million people will get the 5 levels for lifetime for free once the earn 200$ for the platform. That can be from your own upgrade or your referrals upgrades.

WEBTALK is invite only right now. So be sure to invite as many people as possible before they invite you.

Use this link to join now

App coming soon 

This article was published on 18.05.2020 by Daniel Todd
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Hana Osman Interested to know more 0033768902936   4 years ago

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