i want to go non profit
i would like assistance starting a design company working with low ball artist with no aim or direction who could help asap i have no capital no office space i finally got my laptop back don't know if it works yet until i get new charger im on ssdi my funds are spent weeks before deposit
but i need to start this to help wandering nomadic creative minds helping put funds in there pockets developing credit establishing an artistic name and having something to share with there families and be proud of this market im want to get envolve with is needed 247 365 a year its of most highest demand all day all night 365 i know plenty of street artist that will benifit from this and these people are a dime a dozen i dont care about rites but just the recognition of founding father i have my own plans for my own art
this plan needs to happen soon its easy and demanding i need office guidance and direction to successfully start this where i could set management and walk away to do my own thing anybody could help it's amazing and there is already a market for the product i want to put money in pockets of those who have no means of making legitimate income building credit and individual namees and copyrights to each their own its garunteed a success so let it be known to me if interested i have a grand idea to help fellow americans that get no recognition our brothers sisters mothers fathers cousins uncles aunts who have creative bug in there hearts its win win nonprofit better for your soul better for our economy
i need help structuring and organizing managing i cannot express enough it has demands already its an american past time already just i want to open the floodgates to new artist with new opportunities to put funds in pockets and developing personal freedom with individual copyrights we all had this chance and now a mass creative underground will get there chance so if any company would like to help nonprofit and tip me on my journey to help these leftover individuals with creative potential reach out to me
I Erik Anthony Totten want to help struggling artist struggling homeless with creative intuition i want to help put a legitimate market and establish individual financial freedom to those who got stuck being left behind thankyou regardless just for reading this and taking the time to consider good year to all independent entrepreneurs who will succeed before 2018