What would you do with 70% savings on your travel expenses?
Good day everyone
My name is Anele Godlwana
I have been in network marketing (part time) for 8 years before I made it my full time business in August 2017. I was in middle management as a Chief Engineering Tech, did Electrical Engineering with ECSA professional registration.
I started Network Marketing business in October 2016. Started working on my business part time, but within 7 months I was able to retire early from employment, with monthly income that was 4 times than my then salary.
before this achievement in direct sales, I always told myself that I'm not good enough for the industry, this negative belief was as a result of failure in my previous network marketing ventures I have done before (3 times). But due to commitment and perseverance I am here today, being counted as one of the great leaders in my industry.
I have been unemployed and unemployable for two full years coupled with some months. I couldn't be more fulfilled and happier. I have time freedom, freedom of choice and financial freedom as well.
I am able to stay in best environment giving my children better life, taking them to a school of my choice where they get 100% care and attention, best in curriculum, child development & focused on individual and we are all happy. That's the power of freedom of choice + money.
My why is bigger than these aspects I have mentioned, it's all about changing lives of all people, even the ones who believe wealth is meant for them, but finding difficulty in accessing it. It is to transform financial wealth of many people who will & ready to commit to change their circumstances. I believe I’m doing an impactful business. Impacting people in many different levels and that’s what gives me fulfillment. I have seen and been given feedback by many, who would express the gratitude they have that I helped them restore their HOPE. That to me is my success, before any material that comes with my line of biz. Also, the fact that for me to win, it is out of helping someone else win is alone a testimony. It’s what keeps me keeping on.
My purpose therefore, in this impactful business I do is;
1. Living in abundance of everything (soul + love, health, spirituality, wealth, greater paradigms)
2. Show everyone it CAN be done “it’s doable”
3. Reach out a helping hand for anyone who wants to uncover their greatness through their dreams
4. Commit into giving back in a teaching form, not from the book but from experience, sharing and showing my journey. It’s ups and downs & conquering spirit.
5. To shut up and shut out the lies in people’s minds. Unrooting the belief system that work against them.
Not limited to this but this is currently what’s burning within me. #LifeOfAneleGodlwana #JourneyWithMe
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