How Well is Your MLM Opportunity Doing?
The first MLM I tried was good, but I never engaged at all, so my interest died.
The last one I tried felt the same, then I changed my thinking, and it thrived!
Now, I need a few personally selected people to join my team, in Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Canada & Australia.
What I am offering here is a genuine opportunity to join a team that is rocking it with sales already in the countries named above.
We are pushing sales of over 1k in some of those regions, and this could filter through your account, to grow your own business in a way that no-one else simply ever offers.
You see, I figured out what the barriers were to me, I figured out why opportunities failed, and I figured out how to make my team successful!
Why? Because if I have a successful team, then success comes back to me in time too.
So, if you join us, all of those sales will be channelled through your accounts, building a great business base for you, and meaning you simply can't fail.
We will stick right by your side through all of this to make sure it is a success. After all, this is a joint venture!
No matter what any other business says, I don't know anyone else who gives out an offer like this, and means it!
On top of that, if you are already in an MLM opportunity, as long as it fits with our offer (Health & wellbeing), we will also be happy to join your offer, and cross promote it through our existing channels. This now gives you two ways to succeed for one bit of effort.
So, is this for you. I only want one person from each of the countries mentioned above, so this absolutely is focussed and unique.
...and before we break down the few simple 'wants', we are not asking for your money, we want your honesty and determination to succeed, that's it, so lets see if you fit:
* We will only partner with people within the healthcare niche;
* You must not have had a Forever Living account prior to joining us;
* You will be able to support our product distribution in your locality (shipping packages to customers);
* You realise that success comes from effort and patience, not a money tree.
So if you tick those boxes above, reach out to me and lets see if we have a fit.
I can honestly assure yu this is a genuine offer that WILL deliver unlike any other you have tried, and we don't want your money, so put your wallet away!
Tony Grant
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