Grow Your Social Following On Your Facebook Page and Other Top Social Networks
So I am new to MLM Gateway but not new to affiliate marketing .
When I first started out in the 1990s I took advantage of Google Adsense, Adwords and un-beknowing to me I broke their Terms and Conditions. I was generating $1000s everyday but they never paid out and closed my account. I also used the same methods on Amazon, generating huge amounts and like Google they never paid out either and closed my account. I do know they still have my links activated and are still generating massive amount of sales from my misgivings.
Google and Amazon changed the way they offer their paid Advertising services because of me. So I am sorry about that!
Now after a good few years break from affiliate marketing I'm back, but this time I will keep all my Tips and Tricks above board.
I want to create something truly unique and offer it to MLM Gateway members for free.
Like in my early days when I set everything to 'set and forget' I still love that idea and have been trialling a few automated ideas to free up as much time I spend online as possible but will still have huge positive impacts on SEO and generating Real High Quality Leads and Clicks.
Some tools I'm currently using are paid and some are free but together they are powerful. One of the free tools is a Bot that does everything for me in terms of growing my Social Following, Page Likes, Retweets, etc. Although this traffic could be classed as Low Quality it gives me access to a greater reach (Friends of Friends)
I am still a free member on MLM Gateway but I do intend Upgrading .
As a thank you for reading this post I will share one of my paid tools with you.
400 words is a lot of writing :)
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