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Fastest Growing Opportunity, HANDS DOWN!

Prior to CTFO, I was involved in two different network marketing companies.  Below I will explain a little about how each of them worked and why they didn't work for me...

The first company I was involved with focused mostly on promoting the business...  Every time you hosted a gathering (home party or whatever), you would sample out some of the products- which weren't bad and talk very briefly about them (typically about 15 to 20 minutes).  The next 45 minutes to an hour were spent explaining the compensation plan for business builders.  So, even though you were talking about the products (which, by the way, they had over 1000!), the main focus was the business.  The fact that it took so long to explain the compensation plan quickly caused people to loose interest.  It was also a very confusing compensation plan...  Strong Leg vs. Weak Leg, Spill Over, Residual Pay, building with 1 center, building with 3 centers...  Let's face it, that was a lot to put out!  The products also had a very steep price and you were REQUIRED to be on autoship for a certain volume of products (not dollar amount) each month.  The other downfall was hype...  They were very focused on "building excitement".  That marketing technique almost always results in "buyer's remorse" and lead to almost as many people dropping out as you enrolled.

This caused me to do a lot more research before getting involved in my NEXT opportunity...

The second company spend about a 50/50 split on product and business.  You had the ability to "retail sale" the products, but it was strongly discouraged.  The products were great in comparison, but were still a little on the pricey side.  The did a typical binary matrix where you enrolled a target of customers and/or business builders and encouraged them build as well.  One thing I liked was that I could choose where to place my enrollments.  They did Spill Over, Residual, and Fast Start.  However, to be eligible for Fast Start, you had to buy a business product kit (typically over $100) and you only had a certain amount of time to get the fast start.  What I found out was that having a full time job and trying to work the business part time caused me to fail to meet the Fast Start goals...  There simply were not enough hours in the day to balance work with a venture.  People would usually keep buying the products until they realized they could get something comparable at the super market for about half the financial outlay.  The benefits just did not outweigh the cost.  Also, you be eligible to get paid, you had to maintain a certain dollar amount in purchases.  This caused you to eventually horde product because your favorite products that got you to your requirement were not constant use.

After a stint with that company, I decided "no more MLM!".  When people would talk to me about their opportunity, I would stop them about 30 seconds in and ask "do I have to make a monthly purchase in the hopes that eventually I will get paid?"  If the answer was any version of "yes" that you could fathom, my response was "I'm not interested!"

Now, about 10 years later, I came across the CTFO business.  The thing that instantly had me intrigued was that I could start FOR FREE and that I could get PAID on my personal enrollments without making a purchase myself! That sounded really great.  I mean, who wouldn't love to get paid for their efforts without having to spend a dime?  As I researched the company, I found out that they are still NEW (founded in late 2015)!  That means that there is room to grow and it has not became saturated!  WOW!  So, I decided that since it was free- I had NOTHING to loose!  If it didn't work, I was out the effort I spent- not the effort and money!  Also, they focus more on the products.  There are only a handful of products and they are designed to work together for an optimum effect.  So, I have spent about 75% of my time marketing the products and about 25% on the business.  The results?  Well, JUST TWO WEEKS IN, I am now a 2nd Level Manager!  This means that I am eligible to get paid on 2 levels in addition to my commissions from my personal sales!  The catch?  To get the 2 levels of pay, I must make a qualifying order of around $50 in the month that I want to get paid.  But, my personal sales are still mine!  With just one more personal enrollment, I will open up to 7 levels of pay and will attain the position of Senior Manager.  I didn't reach these levels this quick with either of my last two opportunities and HAD make purchases each and every month to stay in the business.  

If you are looking for an opportunity to 1) grow quickly 2) not break the bank while you grow 3) have the freedom to grow your business as you see fit, CTFO is the opportunity for you!  Another great thing, because it is FREE to join, it makes it a great way for someone with an established MLM to generate an additional stream of income!  I mean, do you really care where your money comes from as long as it comes?

But maybe you aren't interested in building a business, and that is OK...  Try the products!  They come with a 60 day money back guarantee!  That's two full months instead of the typical one month offered by most MLM's.

Either way, you have nothing to lose!
This article was published on 29.09.2016 by Chris Kuhlman
Author's business opportunity:

CTFO - Nutrion, Weight Loss, Free to join

Member comments:

Tony Horton Nice Article Chris, as a member of this program and learning the tricks of the trade with some MLM's I was sold when I learned about CTFO, I look forward to hearing more take care  8 years ago

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