I have a story for my French Speaking Friends :-)
Opportunities... what a widely used terms! :-)
In this video (in French) i'm telling you all about my latest relationship with an "Opportunity".
Everybody in the MLM or affiliate world have been using this word and are still using it everyday!
"Hey I have a great opportunity for you".... "Here's the best opportunity ever!" ... "This is the opportunity of a life time"!
Yes Indeed! We all have the used those words many, many, many times! lolll
And curiously, everybody's opportunities IS THE BEST! ;-).... that makes what... billions of Best Opportunities? loll
The result is everytime someone present us an opportunity, the reflex we all have is... suspicious.. backing up... in french we say "mefiance".
I still believe today that we have to focus on our main project (opportunity). Put all our love and effort into it. But now, i believe also, that there place for a little diversity, as long as the main project still benefit the majority of our effort and that the new project doesn't take over.
It's also possible that a new opportunity will be a complement to our main project. As an exemple, i started affiliate marketing with many different projects, using many diffrent digital tools, each one having a cost attached to it ;-) (that's when i discovered my all in one plateform, but this is another story)
So! back to my story! :-)
Well, in the video i'm explaining MY story with my latest opportunity. How 6 months ago my reflex where all eyes closed with an automatic NO to almost everything. The reason? i didn't need any other opportunities since i already had everything i need!
And how 6 months later, when my friend contacted me again, i realised that listening to an opportunity is FREE and if it fits you, it can sometimes change your life!
You see, we have to change our approach towards opportunity. Both when presenting it or receiving it. An opportunity is good only if it meets the receiving person's needs. Not the presenting person's goal!
I can be promoting the best online digital marketing all in one tool but if my contact has absolutly no interest in technology, my opportunity has simply no value at all.
I can have the best nutrition program but if my contact doesn't perceive the value of adding powder elements to an already healty nutrition way of life, again, my opportunity has no value.
Before presenting an opportunity, we need to qualify the contact. We need to make sure that we will be adding value to his life :-)
In my video, you will see what i missed 6 month ago and why i changed my mind today.
and who knows??
maybe this will be a game changer opportunity for you too! ;-)
Enjoy the video my friends and remember opportunites are there to be taken :-)
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